ART 101

  1. Salon des Refuses-
    An art exhibition held in 1863 for works that had been rejected from the officialParis Salon. Emperor Napoleon III ordered the special exhibition to answer protests over thenumber of rejected works.
  2. Plein-air-
    Of or being a style of painting produced out of doors in natural light.
  3. Pointillism-
    A postimpressionist school of painting exemplified by Georges Seurat and his followers in late19th-century France, characterized by the application of paint in small dots and brush strokes.
  4. Camille Claudel-
    Sculptor and a graphic artist
  5. Honore Balzac-
    He was a French novelist.
  6. The Moulin Rouge
    Music hall. Toulouse-Lautrec drew many paintings of this building.
  7. Theo van Gogh-
    Vincent van Gogh’s Younger brother and art dealer.
  8. Why was Manet’s art shocking and revolutionary?What was his “main idea” in his choice of subjects?
    He turned away from Greek values, started to paint more like a picture.
  9. Very generally, what scientific discoveries / ideas influenced Impressionism?
    Japanese woodblock Prints. Color
  10. Manet
    Manet painted the upper class enjoying more formal social activities. wanted recognition
  11. Monet-
  12. Renoir-
    focusing on people in intimate and candid compositions. The female nude was one of his primarysubjects.
  13. Degas-
  14. Cassett
    Cassett often created images of the social and private lives of women, with particular emphasis onthe intimate bonds between mothers and children.
  15. Degas
    lived an uneventful life and opposed all social reforms.
  16. Know how photography and Japanese woodblock prints influenced Degas (and other artists of the time).
    He was influenced by photography because his paintings were of models in movement and poses that only apicture could capture.
  17. Why was Mary Cassatt’s subject matter limited?
    Women artists were not allowed to be in a room with a male by themselves
  18. Know the story behind “The Burghers of Calais.”
    The fathers of Calais came and give up their lives so theircity wont be destroyed. The sculpture shows the mens reactions as somber and scared instead of heroic.
  19. What was Seurat’s working process?
    Pointillism, painted with warm colors and complimentary colors.
  20. Be generally familiar with the life of Toulouse-Lautrec. How did an early trauma shape his life?
    broke both legs giving him a child like appearance gve him a passion for art
  21. What general dissatisfaction did the Post-Impressionists have with Impressionism?
    They wanted art to bemore substantial, not dedicated wholly to capturing passing moment, which often resulted in paintings that seemed slapdash and unplanned
  22. Renoir
    never had a sad painting pretty things poor optimistic
  23. What was Cezanne’s main goal in painting?
    Imitating reality as it appeared to the eye he penetrated toits underlying geometry. He meant to simplify particular objects into near abstract forms fundamental to allreality. What was he trying to do? Try to perfect what I do for the joy of reaching greater knowledge andtruth.
  24. Know what sorts of subjects and places Gauguin was drawn to.
    Subjects- Tahiti Natives, peasants in Brittany.Places- Peru, Paris,
  25. What is the translation of the word “fauve”?
    • Wild beast. Raving madness. A universe of ugliness. and thenaïve and brutal efforts of a child playing with its paint box.
    • Why was it appliedto certain artists? Thebrush strokes are wild and the paintings are abstract and colorful.
  26. Van Gogh
    Misfit obsessed with religion born in holland
  27. Why type of subject matter was Georges Rouault interested in? George Rouault painted Pain and suffering.His lifelong concern was to redeem humanity through exposing evil. In his early works he concentrated oncondemning prostitutes and corrupt judges with savages, slashing brushstrokes. Later he portrayed sadcircus clowns after 1918 virtually all of his work was on religious subjects, especially the tragic face of Christ.His “ passion” he believed was best “mirrored upon human face”
    George Rouault painted Pain and suffering.His lifelong concern was to redeem humanity through exposing evil. In his early works he concentrated oncondemning prostitutes and corrupt judges with savages, slashing brushstrokes. Later he portrayed sadcircus clowns after 1918 virtually all of his work was on religious subjects, especially the tragic face of Christ.His “ passion” he believed was best “mirrored upon human face”
  28. Luncheon on the Grass
  29. Le Moulin de la Galette
  30. The Bath
  31. Balzac
  32. The Burghers of Calais
  33. Vision After the Sermon
  34. The Dance
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ART 101