gi vn

  1. various type of hernias
    ventral(or incisional) femoral inguinal and umbilical
  2. External Hernias
    a protrsuion of a viscus through an abnormal opening or a weakend area in the wall of the cavity in which it normally contained
  3. what is ventral or incsional hernia
    due to weakeness of the abdominal wall at the site of a previous incision. found most commonly win patients who are obese who have had multiple surgical procedures in the same area and have inadequate wound healing because of poor nutrition
  4. what is a femoral or inguinal hernia
    caused by weakness in the lower abdominal wall opening through a which spematic cord merges in men and the round ligaments emerges in women
  5. risk factors
    age wound infection malnutrtion obesity increased intraabdominal pesssure or abdominal distention affects formation of hernias after surgical incisions
  6. subjective date for hernias
    palpation of the hernia revealing the contents of the sac as soft and noular or smooth anf fluctuant. at no time should the nurse attemtpt to reduce the sac in the ring because this can lead to complications such as ruptures of the strangulated contents
  7. objective date for inguinal hernia
    patient may complain of pain urgency and the presence of a mass in the groin region
  8. objective data for hernias
    visibility of a protruding mass or bulge around the umbiliculusin the inguinal area or near the incision if incacerseration or strngulayion follow there may be bowel obstrctuction vomiting abdominal distension
  9. medical mangement of hernias
    patient should be taught to seek medical advise promptly if abdominla pian distension changingin bowel movements tem elevation nausea vomiting
  10. medical mangement of hernias if hernia can be reduced manually
    a truss or firm pad placed over the patients hernia site and held in place with a belt prevents the hernia from protuding and holds the abdominal contents in place
  11. nursing interventions and teachnig hernias
    follow up care includes teaching the patients ti limit activits and avoid lifting heavy objects or straining with bowel movement for 5-6 wks. also the patient should immedicately report to the physican any erythema or edema of the surgical area or increased pain or drainage
  12. hiatal hernia
    • results from weakness of the diaphragm. it is a protrusion of the stomach and other abdominal viscera through an opening ain the membrane od tissue of the diaphragm.
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gi vn