Chapter 9 Summary Quiz

  1. Managers who lead with a vision

    (A) Celebrate differences
    (B) Challenge Processes
    (C) Help others do their Job
    (D) Set budgets and schedules
    (B) Challenge Processes
  2. A manager without a vision can still be a leader?

    (A) True
    (B) False
    (B) False
  3. To establish a vision, a manager can

    (A) present your departmental goals to your staff on a regular basis
    (B) List five major goals you want the department to accomplish in the next year
    (C) Base goals on your interactions and communications with peers and supervisors
    (D) All of the above
    (D) All of the above
  4. The two main types of power are position power and personal power. Position power is derived from staff respect for a leaders accomplishment, while personal power is derived from the leader's status.

    (A) True
    (B) False
    (B) False
  5. When a manager offers staff gift certificates for taking on additional shift work, what type of power is he or she exercising?

    (A) Expert power
    (B) Coercive power
    (C) Reward power
    (D) Legitimate power
    (C) Reward
  6. Letting your staff know where you stand on issues and being action oriented are two appropriate manners of utilizing managerial power.

    (A) True
    (B) False
    (A) True

    Page 249 and 250: 4 strategies for using power wisely

    • * Let people know you are in charge
    • * Let people know where you stand
    • * Be forceful when necessary
    • * Be action Oriented
  7. Power is essentially a "zero-sum" proposition: If someone gains power, someone else must lose power?

    (A) True
    (B) False
    (B) False

  8. Leadership through empowerment happens when...

    (A) staff has opportunities to participates in cross functional teams.
    (B) Managers trust staff enough to eliminate status reports
    (C) Staff cna provide critical feedback to managment
    (D) Managers require two signatures for a purchase request
    (A) Staff has opportunities to participate on cross-functional teams

    pg 252 Leadership through empowerment
  9. Emotional intelligence, altough a natural skill for some managers , can be learned or enhanced in mangers who have limited relational or social interaction skills?

    (A) True
    (B) False
    (A) True

    Pg 264 ...seeking to aquire or develop...
  10. Leader behavior research shows that task oriented leaders generally out perform people oriented leaders?

    (A) True
    (B) False
    (B) False

    pg 254 ...effective leaders were high in both cocern for people and concerned for the task
  11. In contingency leadership theory, the degree of task structure measures the extent to which

    (A) Schedules and budgets are determined by upper management.
    (B) Task goals, procedures, and guidelines are clearly spelled out.
    (C) Job descriptions are made available to all employees.
    (D) None of the above
    (B) Task goals, procedures, and guidelines are clearly spelled out.
  12. in the situational leadership model, delegating works best in

    (A) high readiness situations of confident followers
    (B) low readiness situations of confidnet followers
    (C) high readiness situations of reliant followers
    (D) low readiness situation of reliant followers
    (A) high readiness situations of confident followers

    pg 257 1st paragraph
  13. leading though participatoin offers the benefit of

    (D) All of the above
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Chapter 9 Summary Quiz
Chapter 9 Leading Others