Microbiology Unit 8

  1. Entamoeba histolytica
    • parasitizes large intestines and feeds on RBCs eroding intestinal lining producing ulcerative lesions
    • is endemic in tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world
    • Disease: causes amoebiasis dysentary --producing bloody diarrhea
    • Transmission: fecal-oral route
    • Diagnosis: O&P exam on stool and look for cysts
    • Tx: Flagyl
  2. Giardia intestinalis (lambia)
    • it is an intestinal flagellates and is most common in our area
    • 2 forms: troph and cyst
    • Troph: motile form, pear shaped, sucking disc resist peristalsis
    • have a pair of nucleii-look that look like eyes
    • several pairs of flagella
    • Cyst: nonmotile, resistant resting stage and axostyles
    • Disease: causes frothy green diarrhea, flatulence, dehydration
    • AKA "Beaver Fever"
    • Transmission: contaminated water with bear, deer, or beaver feces; person to person, and fecal-oral route
    • Dx: O&P for cyst, if negative, then String test for trophs. Test for antibodies also
    • Tx: Flagyl
  3. Trichomonas vaginalis
    • pear shaped flagellated protozoan
    • Disease in men - asymptomatic carriers but the protozoa lives in urethral surfaces, prostate and seminal fluids
    • Disease in women: lives in genital cuosa causing itching, yellow-green discharge, vaginitis, and urinary problems
    • Transmission: STD or live in fomites
    • Dx: wet prep of vaginal secretions can be found in a pap smear--look for motile trophs
    • Tx: Flagyl and treat sexual partners
  4. Leshmania spp
    • Transmitted by sandflybite usually in the desert
    • "Baghdad boil"
    • infects WBC causing fever and anemia
  5. Plasmodium spp
    • Disease: causes malaria, fever, chills, cyclic fevers, fatigue and cause liver damage, the disease infects RBC
    • Transmission: anopheles mosquito bite; the sporozoite is carried in the mosquito
    • Dx: see infected RBC in blood smears called ring form
    • Tx: Quinine drugs
  6. Taxoplasma gondii
    • Disease: mild, self-limiting disease often asymptomatic; causes severe congenital defects in infants born in infected women
    • Transmission: found in cat, cow, and sheep feces; transmitted by handling cat feces or eating undercooked infected beef or lamb
    • Dx: Toxoplasmosis antibodies
    • Tx: no treatment
  7. Cryptosporidum spp
    • Disease: infects the intestinal lining and causes profuse diarrhea lasting 1-2 weeks or death
    • Transmission: fecal-oral route, contaminated water with oocyte--FILTRATION is required as chlorine does not kill the organism
    • Dx: FA smear of feces
    • Tx: no effective treatment
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Microbiology Unit 8