EMT quiz6

  1. A very severe, life threatening allergic reaction may be referred to as:
  2. A food that produces one of the most sever and rapid allergic reactions is:
  3. An EMT who notices that his hands are itchy and red after a call is probably experiencing an allergic reaction to:
  4. Signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction include all of the following EXCEPT:
    increased appetite
  5. The medical name for shock, a condition associated with extreme allergice reactions is:
  6. The best description of epinephrine is a(n):
  7. Epinephrine is most commonly administered as a(n):
  8. Administration of epinephrine needs to be carefully documented because of its powerful effects on the:
  9. The factor that is LEAST important in determining the effect of a poison is a patient's:
  10. Carbon monoxide poisoning is an example of an:
    inhaled poison
  11. The LEAST acceptable method for providing assisted breathing to patients who have ingested poisons is use of:
    mouth-to-mouth ventilations
  12. Activated charcoal is indicated in some cases of:
    ingested poisons
  13. Modern treatment of ingested poisonsing and overdoses consists primarily of:
    prevention of absorption
  14. Activated charcoal is administered in the form of a(n):
  15. The most frequent victims of poisoning are:
    infants and children
  16. In treating cases of inhaled poisons, the drug of first choice is:
  17. The following are typical signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning except:
  18. Sooty sputum, singed nose hairs, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing are signs of :
    smoke inhalation
  19. The primary step in treating a patient with absorbed liquid poisoning is:
    administration of oxygen
  20. All of hte following are signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal EXCEPT:
    abdominal cramps and diarrhea
  21. Mind affecting drugs that act on the central nervous system to distort sensory perception are known as:
  22. Reduced pulse rate, constricted pupils, profuse sweating, and reduced depth of breathing indicate the possible use of:
  23. Water chill, which occurs when clothing or the body gets wet, is an example of:
  24. All of the following are signs and symptoms of hypothermia except:
    agitation and hyperactivity
  25. Rough handling of a patient with hypothermia may result in:
    ventricular fibrillation
  26. Decompression sickness from a dive usually takes place:
    from 1-48 hours after the dive
  27. Superficial local cold injuries are sometimes referred to as:
  28. The most important factor in determining whether or EMT's enter the water to rescue a patient is:
  29. The LEAST safe method of executing an ice rescue is the use of a:
    human chain
  30. The venom produced by a snake or spider is an example of a(n):
  31. The type of sting or bite that claims the most lives comes from:
    bees and wasps
  32. In addition to a noticeable puncture mark, all of hte following are signs and symptoms of snakebite except
    normal pulse rate
  33. All of the following are considered to pit vipers EXCEPT:
    coral snakes
  34. A situation in which a person exhibits actions that are unacceptable to the patient, family, or a community is known as:
    a behavioral emergency
  35. The first step that an EMT takes in a behavioral emergency is to:
    perform a careful scene size-up
  36. A patient who has attempted suicide in the past is:
    more likely to commit suicide than one who has not.
  37. During a normal pregnancy, the baby, or fetus, grows in the mother's
  38. The fetus "floats" in a "bag of waters" containing:
    amniotic fluid
  39. The sign of emminent delivery that occurs when the presenting part of hte baby first bulges from the vaginal opening is called:
  40. The thrid stage of labor ends with:
    the delivery of the afterbirth
  41. The second stage of labor begins with:
    when the baby enters the birth canal
  42. Meconium staining may be an indication of:
    fetal distress
  43. If you find yourself assisting a delivery without the standard OB kit, you may tie off the umbilical cord using:
    new shoelaces
  44. If the umbilical cord presents first during delivery:
    keep pressure off the cord by placing your gloved hand in the vagina and transport immediatel
  45. To control vaginal bleeding after birth:
    massage the uterus
  46. You should clamp and cut the umbilical cord:
    after the baby is breathing on its own
  47. If this is the woman's first delivery, she is not straining, and there is no crowning:
    you will probably have time to transport to a medical facility for delivery
  48. A delivery in which the baby's buttocks present first at the vaginal opening is called a:
    breech presentation
  49. The 9-month period of pregnancy is divided into:
  50. Which of the following statements is true regarding the afterbirth:
    the afterbirth may take more than 30 minutes to deliver
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EMT quiz6