muscles in medial compartment of thigh

  1. adductor longus
    • o: body of pubis of coxal bone
    • i: linea aspera of femur
    • a: adduct and flex thigh
    • inn: obturator nerve
  2. adductor brevis
    • o: inferior pubic ramus of coxal bone
    • i: linea aspera of femur
    • a: adduct and flex thigh
    • inn: obturator nerve
  3. adductor magnus
    • o: ischiopubic ramus & ischial tuberosity of coxal bone
    • i: linea aspera & adductor tubercle of femur
    • a: adduct thigh (adductor:flex, hamstring: extend)
    • inn: adductor- obturator
    • -hamstring- sciatic
  4. Pectineus
    • o: superior pubic ramus of coxal bone
    • i: pectineal line of femur
    • a: flex and adduct thigh
    • inn: femoral
  5. gracilis
    • o: pubis body and inferior pubic ramus of coxal bone
    • i: shaft of tibia
    • a: adduct and medially rotate thigh
    • inn: obturator
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muscles in medial compartment of thigh