English First Semester Study Guide

  1. Plot
    The action or sequence of events in a story
  2. Plot Line
  3. Setting
    Time, Place
  4. Conflict
    Character vs. Character, Self, Society, Nature,God/Fate/Supernatural
  5. Rising Action
    the series of struggles that builds a story or play toward a climax
  6. Climax
    • Turning point
    • the most intense point of the story. A series of struggles or conflicts build a story or play toward the climax
  7. Falling Action
    the part of a play or story that leads from the climax or turning point to the resolution
  8. Resolution
    the portion of the play or story in which the problem is solved
  9. Mood
    The feeling a text arouses in the reader: happiness, peacefulness, sadness, and so on
  10. Author's Purpose
    The specific reason a person has for writing; the goal of writing
  11. Point of View: 1st person
  12. Point of View: 3rd person
  13. Point of View: Omniscient
    Allows the narrator to share thoughts and feelings of all characters
  14. Point of View: Limited
    Allows the narrator to share the thoughts and feelings of one central character
  15. Theme
    The statement about life that a writer is trying to get across in a piece of writing.
  16. Paraphrase
    Restate in your own words what someone else has said
  17. Summarizing
    Present the main points of an issue in a shortened form.
  18. Speaker/ Narrator
    the person who is telling the story
  19. Foreshadowing
    Giving hints or clues of what is to come later in a story
  20. Flashback
    Returning to an earlier time for the purpose of making something in the present more clear
  21. Protagonist Character
    The main character or hero of the story
  22. Dynamic Character
    Dynamic: a character that undergoes personal development and change, whether through a gradual process or a crisis
  23. Static Character
    Static: a character that remains unchanged throughout a work
  24. Antagonist Character
    Antagonist: the person or force working againstthe protagonist, or hero, of the work
  25. Inference
    Assumptions based on facts
  26. Main Idea
    The point the author is making about a topic.
  27. Onomatopoeia
    Use of a word that sound's suggest its meaning
  28. Personification
    Nonhuman thing is given human characteristics
  29. Hyperbole
  30. Symbol
    An object used to represent an idea
  31. Alliteration
    The repetition of a letter sound in a word
  32. Simile
    Compares two things used like or as
  33. Metaphor
    Compares two things without using like or as
  34. Oxymoron
    Connecting two words with opposite meanings
  35. Euphemism
    A nicer way of saying things
  36. Paradox
    A true statement saying opposite things
  37. Situational Irony
    A great difference between the action and result
  38. Dramatic Irony
    The reader sees the character's mistakes, but the character does not
  39. Verbal Irony
    The writer says one thing but means another
  40. Rhetorical Question
    A question asked that is not meant to be answered, only to make a point
  41. Allusion
    A reference to a person, place, or thing
  42. Analogy
    A comparison from something unfamiliar to something familiar
  43. Satire
    Used to make fun or human weakness to change the subject
  44. Understatement
    Calm language, opposite of exaggeration
  45. Rhyme Scheme
    the pattern of rhyme between lines of a poem or song
  46. End Rhyme
    A rhyme occurring in the last word or syllable of one line of poetry
  47. Internal Rhyme
    a rhyme between words in the same line
  48. Couplet
    A pair of lines in a verse that are the same length and that rhyme
  49. Quatrain
    A stanza of four lines
  50. Stanza
    A division of poetry named for the number of lines it contains
  51. Exposition (3 Types)
    Setting, Character, Conflict
  52. 3 Types of Tone
    Imagery, Details, Diction
  53. 2 Types of Diction
    • Colloquial/ informal/ formal
    • connotation denotation
  54. Fact vs. Opinion
    • Fact: A thing that is indisputably the case.
    • Opinion: view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
  55. Sonnet
    A poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes
  56. Ambiguous
    Having several possible meanings
  57. Baffle
    To confuse
  58. cogitate
    To ponder
  59. Convulted
  60. Enigma
    A Mystery
  61. Insoluble
    Not solvable
  62. Intricate
    Having a complicated or complex structure
  63. Labyrinth
    A maze
  64. Quandary
    A state of uncertainty
  65. Tactic
    A strategy
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English First Semester Study Guide
English First Semester Study Guide