ANTH200: Ch. 1

  1. Evidence for evolution consists of
    All of the Above

    • *the fossil record
    • shared characteristics
  2. From a legal perspective, the claims of "creation science" and "intelligent design" are flawed because
    ? they have been found unconstitutional under the the First Amendment.
  3. One difference between anthropology and many other social sciences, such as sociology, is that anthropology is concerned with human _____________ as well as human behavior.
  4. In the natural sciences, a set of hypotheses that has been repeatedly tested and not rejected is referred to as a
  5. Some of those who disagree with evolutionary theory claim that some biological structures are too complex to have evolved naturally, a view known as
    intelligent design creationism.
  6. The idea that physical processes that operate in today's world also operated in the past is known as
  7. Early views on the age of the earth, based on biblical interpretation, suggested that the earth was several __________ of years old.
  8. Long-term studies of finch populations have shown that average beak size changes over generations in response to a changing environment. This is an excellent example of
    natural selection.
  9. Culture, as used by an anthropologist, refers to
    shared learned behavior.
  10. The claims of "creation science" and "intelligent design" are invalid from a scientific standpoint because
    they propose hypotheses that cannot be tested.
  11. Who wrote On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, the classic work providing the foundation for the development of modern evolutionary thought?
    Charles Darwin.
  12. The peppered moth in England changed in color from almost all being light-colored to almost all being dark-colored. This change was related to a changing environment, specifically
    industrial pollution.
  13. Some of those who disagree with evolutionary theory claim that some biological structures are too complex to have evolved naturally, a view known as
    intelligent design creationism.
  14. Darwin was not the only person to develop the idea of natural selection. Who was the other person?
    Alfred Russel Wallace.
  15. The hypothesis of acquired characteristics stated that
    organisms changed during their lifetime, and would then pass these changes on to their offspring.
  16. Darwin's development of natural selection was influenced by the writings of the economist Thomas Malthus, who noted that
    more individuals are born in most species than can possibly survive.
  17. Which of the following is not a characteristic of anthropology?
    It focuses only on prehistoric societies.
  18. In science, an explanation of observed facts is known as a
  19. Catastrophism attempted to explain the fossil record in terms of
    natural catastrophes in an area, followed by organisms moving into the area from elsewhere.
  20. Darwin's development of natural selection was influenced by the writings of the economist Thomas Malthus, who noted that
    many organisms will not survive to adulthood.
  21. Which of the following is not a subfield of anthropology?
    Geographic anthropology.
  22. The subfield of anthropology that deals with the study of prehistoric and historic human cultures is
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ANTH200: Ch. 1
Ch.1 quiz review