VSOL 6b 4th Grade

  1. SOL VS.6b
    The Freedoms listed in the US Constitution are listed in the...

    A. The Virginia Bill of Rights
    B. The Bill of Rights
    C. The Virginia Declaration of Rights
    D. The Virginia Statutes for Religious Freedom
    The Bill of Rights
  2. The Bill of Rights found in the US Constitution, had many ideas that originated in two earlier Virginia documents. What were these documents?

    A. The Virgnia Declaration of Rights and the Virgnia Statue for Religious Freedom
    B. The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights
    C. The Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence
    D. The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution
    The Virginia Declaration of Rights

    and the

    Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
  3. The Virginia Declaration of Rights was written by...

    A. George Washington
    B. Thomas Jefferson
    C. James Madison
    D. George Mason
    George Mason
  4. This document stated that all Virginians had many rights that could not be taken away.

    A. The U.S. Constitution
    B. The Declaration of Independence
    C. The Virgina Declaration of Rights
    D. The Virginia Delcaration of Religious Freedoms
    The Virginia Declaration of Rights
  5. What were two of the rights in the Virginia Declaration of Rights that could not be taken away?

    A. Freedom of Press and Freedomw to Bear Arms
    B. Freedom of Press and Freedom of Religion
    C. Freedom of Religion and Freedom to Bear Arms
    D. Freedom to Bear Arms and the Freedom to Vote
    Freedom of Religion


    Freedom of the Press
  6. Who wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom?

    A. George Washington
    B. Thomas Jefferson
    C. James Madison
    D. George Mason
    Thomas Jefferson
  7. What did the Virginia Declaration of Religious Freedom state?

    A. That all people had the right to vote.
    B. That all people had the right to read the newspaper.
    C. That all people should be free to worship as they please.
    D. That all people had the right to bear arms.
    That all people should be free to worship as they please.
  8. The ability to worship without being punished or have their rights taken away is an example of ....

    A. Political freedom
    B. Freedom to worship as you please.
    C. the freedom of the press.
    Freedom to worship as you please.
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VSOL 6b 4th Grade
Study File for Virginia SOL 6b-Virginia Studies