el/la mesero (a) , el/la camarero(a)
la cuenta
the bill(check)
? Que desean Uds.?
What would you like?
?Esta incluido el servicio?
Is the tip( service) included?
una cola
cola ( also refers to TAIL, like your butt, although may be spelled differently)
un cafe solo
black coffee
un cafe con leche
coffee with milk
un bocadillo, un sandwich, una torta
una hamberguesa
papas fritas
french fries
un helado de vainilla ( de chocolate)
vanilla ice cream( chocolate ice cream)
el supermercado
? A cuanto esta(n)?
how much is ( are)?
algo mas?
something else?
las habicuelas; los frijoles
las judias verdes
green beans