1. 1) Allograft:
    A graft from an allogeneic donor of the same species as the recipient
  2. 2) Alogia:
    Aphasia. Speechlessness.
  3. 3) Alopecia:
    loss of hair; baldness
  4. 4) Amenorrhea:
    Absence of menstruation
  5. 5) Anaphylaxis :
    Hypersensitivity induced by preliminary exposure to a substance and usually producing a contraction of smooth muscle and a dilation of blood vessels
  6. 6) Angina:
    A severe constricting pain in the chest.
  7. 7) Anhedonia:
    • Absence of pleasure from acts that otherwise would be
    • pleasurable
  8. 8) Anorexia:
    Diminished appetite; aversion to food.
  9. 9) Antitussive:
    Relieving cough
  10. 10) Arrhythmia:
    Loss of rhythm; denoting especially an irregularity of the heartbeat.
  11. 11) Arteriostenosis:
    Narrowing of the arteries
  12. 12) Arthralgia:
    Severe pain in a joint
  13. 13) Ascites:
    Accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
  14. 14) Asepsis:
    A condition in which living pathogenic organisms are absent
  15. 15) Aspermia:
    Inability to secrete or ejaculate semen
  16. 16) Asystole:
    The absence of contractions of the heart
  17. 17) Ataxia:
    Inability to coordinate the muscles in voluntary movement
  18. 18) Atrophy:
    Wasting of tissues
  19. 19) Bacteremia:
    Presence of viable bacteria in the circulating blood
  20. 20) Bactericide:
    An agent that destroys (kills) bacteria
  21. 21) Bradycardia:
    Slow heart beat
  22. 22) Calciuria:
    Presence of calcium in urine
  23. 23) Chronotropic:
    Affecting the rate of rhythmic movements such as the heartbeat
  24. 24) Cyanosis:
    Blue skin
  25. 25) Diaphoresis:
    Perspiration, sweating, especially when in abundance and medically induced
  26. 26) Dysgeusia:
    Abnormal sense of taste
  27. 27) Dysmenorrhea:
    A condition marked by painful menstruation
  28. 28) Dyspepsia:
    Disturbed digestion; indigestion
  29. 29) Dysphagia:
    Difficulty/pain in swallowing
  30. 30) Dyspnea:
    Difficulty in breathing, often associated with lung or heart disease and resulting in shortness of breath
  31. 31) Dysuria:
    Difficulty/pain in urination
  32. 32) Edema:
    • An accumulation of an excessive amount of watery fluid in cells,
    • tissues, or serous cavities
  33. 33) Emesis:
    The act or process of vomiting
  34. 34) Enuresis:
  35. 35) Epistaxis:
    Nose bleeding
  36. 36) Erythema:
    • Redness of the skin caused by dilatation and congestion of the
    • capillaries, often a sign of inflammation or infection
  37. 37) Excipient:
    • A more or less inert substance added in a prescription as a diluent
    • or vehicle or to give form or consistency when the remedy is given in pill
    • form
  38. 38) Expectorant:
    • Promoting secretion from the mucous membrane of the air
    • passages
  39. 39) Gingivitis:
    Gum inflammation
  40. 40) Halitosis:
    Bad breath
  41. 41) Hematogenesis:
    Blood cell formation
  42. 42) Hematuria:
    The presence of blood in the urine
  43. 43) Hirsutism:
    • The presence of excessive body and facial hair, especially in
    • women
  44. 44) Hyperglycemia:
    Excess glucose in the blood
  45. 45) Hyperhidrosis:
    Excessive sweat
  46. 46) Hypertension:
    Abnormally elevated blood pressure
  47. 47) Hypothermia:
    Low body temperature
  48. 48) Inotropic:
    Influencing the contractility of muscular tissue
  49. 49) Insidious:
    • Denoting a disease that progresses with few or no symptoms to
    • indicate its gravity
  50. 50) Jaundice:
    • Yellowish discoloration of the whites of the eyes, skin, and
    • mucous membranes caused by deposition of bile salts in these tissues,
    • occurring as a symptom of various diseases, such as hepatitis, that affect the
    • processing of bile
  51. 51) Ketonuria:
    Ketone bodies in urine
  52. 52) Malaise:
    • A vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an
    • illness
  53. 53) Mastication:
  54. 54) Miosis:
    Pupil contraction
  55. 55) Mydriasis:
    Pupil dilation
  56. 56) Nephropathy:
    Any disease of the kidneys
  57. 57) Orthostatic hypotension:
    • A fall in blood pressure associated with dizziness,
    • blurred vision, and sometimes syncope, occurring upon standing or when
    • standing motionless in a fixed position
  58. 58) Ototoxic:
    Having toxic action upon the ear
  59. 59) Pediculicide:
  60. 60) Photosensitivity:
    Sensitivity or responsiveness to light
  61. 61) Placebo:
    • An indifferent substance, in the form of a medicine, given for the
    • suggestive effect. An inert compound, identical in appearance with material
    • being tested in experimental research, where the patient and the physician may
    • or may not know which is which
  62. 62) Polyphagia:
    Eating in excess
  63. 63) Polyuria:
    Excessive passage of urine, as in diabetes
  64. 64) Postcoital:
    After intercourse
  65. 65) Priapism:
    • Persistent , usually painful erection of the penis, especially as a
    • consequence of disease and not related to sexual arousal
  66. 66) Pruritus:
    Severe itching, often of undamaged skin
  67. 67) Purpura:
    • A condition characterized by hemorrhages in the skin and mucous
    • membranes that result in the appearance of purplish spots or patches
  68. 68) Pyuria:
    Pus in urine
  69. 69) Quackery:
    Fraudulent claim to medical knowledge
  70. 70) Rhabdomyolysis:
    • Break down of striated muscle fibers with excretion of
    • myoglobin in the urine
  71. 71) Rhinorrhea:
    Runny nose
  72. 72) Somnolence:
    A state of drowsiness; sleepiness
  73. 73) Steatorrhea:
    Presence of fat in feces
  74. 74) Stomatitis:
    Mouth inflammation
  75. 75) Syncope:
    • A brief loss of consciousness caused by a sudden fall of blood
    • pressure or failure of the cardiac systole, resulting in cerebral anemia
  76. 76) Tachycardia:
    Fast heart beat
  77. 77) Tinnitus:
    • A sound in one ear or both ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or
    • whistling, occurring without an external stimulus and usually caused by a
    • specific condition, such as an ear infection, the use of certain drugs, a blocked
    • auditory tube, or a head injury
  78. 78) Uniparous:
    Female who has had only one child
  79. 79) Urticaria:
    • A skin condition characterized by welts that itch intensely, caused
    • by an allergic reaction, an infection, or a nervous condition
  80. 80) Vertigo:
    • A sensation of irregular or whirling motion, either of oneself or of
    • external objects, often caused by inner ear disease
  81. 81) Xerostomia:
    • Dryness of the mouth resulting from diminished or arrested
    • salivary secretion
  82. 82) Xerotes:
  83. 83)Zoonosis:
    • The transmission of a disease from an animal or nonhuman species
    • to humans. The natural reservoir is a nonhuman animal
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