
  1. What is OS X
    • Pronounced OS 10
    • it is the latest os
    • based on unix
    • multi user os
  2. Advantages of OS X
    • greater system stability
    • less crasher
    • ability to perform a number os tasks simultaneously
    • ability to provide diff. workspace for diff. individuals
  3. File Structure
    • Has 4 Main folders
    • Applicatons and Mac OS 9 applications
    • library
    • documents
    • users
  4. OS X interface or workspace - 4 main elements
    • apple menu
    • file menu
    • desktop
    • hard disk
    • dock
  5. Dock has 3 main functions
    • displays what programs are currently in use
    • can keep conninly used items
    • can be used as a navigational tool
  6. dock options
    • keep in dock
    • show in finder
    • quit
  7. what is the Finder
    • apples file management system
    • responsible for creating windows that allow you to manage and manipulate files and disks
  8. What is Classic
    a program that emulates for simulates OS 9
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Mac OS X