
  1. Id
    Gotta have it right now.
  2. Superego
  3. Ego
  4. Oral
    • (0-18 months)
    • oral fixation
    • pleasure sensors in the mouth
    • sucking, biting, chewing
  5. Anal
  6. Anal
    • (18-36 months)
    • Pleasure focused on the bowel and bladder elimination; coping with the demands of control
    • Anal retentive-you try to control everything
  7. Phallic
    • (3-6 years)
    • Pleasure zine if the genitals; coping with incestuous sexual feelings
  8. Oedipus complex
    son wants to take dad's place with mom
  9. Electra Complex
    Daughter wants to take mom's place with dad
  10. Eros
    • Loving construct
    • The Oedipus/Electra complex both come from Eros
  11. Thanatos
    Death construct
  12. Latency
    • (6-puberty)
    • dormant sexual feelings
  13. Genital
    • (puberty on )
    • Maturation of sexual interests
  14. Defense Mechanism
    phychoanalytic theory, the ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality
  15. Repression
    unconsciously pushing threatening memories, urges or ideas from conscience awareness: A person may experience loss of memory for unpleasant events
  16. Rationalization
    Attempts to make actions or mistakes seem reasonable: The reason or excuse given (e.g., "I spank my children because it is good for them." sounds rational, but they are not the real reasons for the behavior
  17. Projections
    Unconsciously attributing one's own unacceptable thoughts or impulses to another person: Instead of recognizing that "I hate him." a person may feel that "He hates me."
  18. Reaction formation
    Defending against unacceptable impulses by action opposite to them: Sexual interest in a married friend might appear as strong dislike instead.
  19. Sublimation
    Converting unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable action and perhaps symbolically experssing them: Sexual or aggressive desires may appear as artisiic creativity or devotion to athletic excellence.
  20. Displacement
    Deflecting an impulse from its original target to a less threatening one: Anger at one's boss may be expressed through hostility toward a clerk, a family member or even the dog
  21. Denial
    Simply discounting the existance of threatening impulses: A person may vehemently deny ever having had even the slightest degree of physical attraction to a person of the same sex.
  22. Compensation
    Striving to make up for inconscious impulses or fears: A business executive's extreme competitiveness might be aimed at compensating for unconscious feelings of inferiority
  23. Trait Perspective
    characteristic pattern of behavior
  24. MMPI
    • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
    • Phychological evaluation
  25. Great man theory
    divine rights som of think we are better than others
  26. Behavioral Conformation
    the beliefs in the sense of self that is created by what we think
  27. Shyness
    • social anxiety disorder
    • low self esteem
    • reject significant portions of the self
    • 40% of people think they are shy
  28. Self handicapping
    • Self sabotaging
    • Blame problems on anything other than our lack of ability
  29. Id
    • Represents the basic drive to survive, reproduce and be aggressive
    • Freud called this the pleasure principal
    • Wants immediate gratification
    • Has childlike and creative qualities
    • Can be a tyrant
    • Devil in the movie

    Ex: Take a kid to the store, they see someithing they want, you don't give it to them and they pitch a fit.
  30. Ego
    • Personality executor/manager of the three personality styles
    • Reality principal
    • Deals with the reality of the situation
    • Seeks gratification in more realistic ways
    • Rational and objective
  31. Superego
    • Develops around 4-5 years of age
    • Voice of conscience
    • Ideal principal
    • Uses wourds like "ought" and "should"
  32. 2 Reasons for humanism
    • 1. Discontented with Freud's negative perspectives
    • 2. Humanistic people were bored with trait and behavioral learning theories
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PSY 1101 Final (Personality 2)