
  1. An approach to psychotherapy that, depending on the client's problems, uses techniques from various forms of therapy.

    (Very few people use just one type of therapy anymore.)
    Eclectic Therapy
  2. How to look for a therapist:
    • 1. Need to have gray hair and wrinkles.
    • 2. Ask them if they know what the good theraputic hour is. If they do not know the answer, run like hell. The answer is, when both parties are ready to listen and both parties are ready to get something out of the relationship. One is not superior to the other; they are both equals.
    • 3. How is the therapist rated? How can you learn something? One party is not superior to the other. This is done in (2) ways:
    • a. You keep going to therapy (Operant Conditioning; Reframing)
    • b. The client believes that the therapist cares about them.
  3. 4 types of Therapy
    • 1. Psychoanalytic
    • 2. Humanistic
    • 3. Behaviorism
    • 4. Cognitive
  4. 1. Free association
    2. Resistance - blocks free association (when you sensor the 1st thing that comes to mind or codenpendancy)
    3. Dream Interpretations
    4. Transference - long repressed feelings (a good thing would be transferring your anger to your therapist rather than say, your father)
    5. Insightful approach - means that the client must have some psychological skills, an IQ above 115, and an understanding of oneself
    6. This type of therapy takes 2-3 years and you must go 2-3 per week.
    Psychoanalytic Therapy
  5. -Know Thyself
    -Sigmund Freud
  6. 1. Active listening - more than just listening, watching for what's going on and listening for what it is that the person is NOT saying
    2. Group Therapy - putting people in the same room that suffer from the same disorder
    a. Family therapy - Having (2) therapists in the room watching the family dynamic (how they react to each other)
    b. Who plays what role - (ex. Substance abuser, enabler, hero-star child, the person acting)
    3. People-Centered Therapy - focuses on a person's conscious self-perceptions; the therapist listens without judging or interpreting, and refrains from directing the client toward certain insights
    4. Unconditional positive regard & Acceptance - when therapist drop their own facades and enable their clients to feel unconditionally accepted
    Humanistic Therapy
  7. - Non-directive
    - Carl Rogers & Abraham Maslow
  8. Learning principles to eliminate unwanted behaviors. Does not care about changing the emotions, only cares about changing the behavior.
  9. Behaviorism Therapy has (3) parts:
    • 1. Systematic Desensitization
    • 2. Aversive Conditioning
    • 3. Behavior Modification
  10. - Can be relaxed and anxious over the same event
    - Can become relaxed when repeated anxiety-provoking situations occur and can gradually eliminate the anxiety; just like shaping (ex. teaching us not to be afraid of spiders!!)
    Systematic Desensitization
  11. -The opposite of Systematic Desensitization
    (ex. Stop-Smoking Clinics)
    - Typically this form of conditioning does not work, but we are still trying it out.
    - Thinking that if you continually hear or do something over and over, then you will stop.
    Aversive Conditioning
  12. - Only work for people who are semi-retarded, have an IQ of about 70, and aren't able to live alone.
    - Using Operant Conditioning to maladaptive human behavior
    - Token economy
    Behavior Modification
  13. Used in mental processes (about our active thinking)
    Cognitive Therapy
  14. 1. Thought intervenes between events and our emotional reactions
    (RET: Rational --> Emotive --> Thought --> Belief System Attitude)
    2. Rational-Emotive Approach
    a. Irrational Thinking
    b. Change thinking by revealing the 'absurdity' of self-defeating ideas.
    3. Albert Ellis
    Cognitive Therapy
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PSY 1101 Final (Therapy)