immovable joints
freely movable joints
slightly moveable joints
- type of synarthroses
- fibrous
- joint located only between the bones of the skull
- type of synartroses
- fibrous
- binds the teeth to bony sockets in the maxillae and mandible
- type of synarthroses
- cartilaginous
- rigit, cartilaginious bridge between two bones
- ex. connection between the ends of the first pair of vertebrosternal ribsa nd the sternum
- type of synarthroses
- bony fusion
- totally rigid immovable joint when two bones fuse and boundry between them disappears
- type of amphiarthrosis
- fibrous
- ligamentous connection
- ex. between tibia and fibula
- type of amphiarthrosis
- cartilaginous
- connection by a fibrous cartilage pad
- ex. between right and left pubic bones of pelvis, between adjacent vertebral bodies along vertebral column
- types of diarthrosis
- monoaxial- permits movement in one plane- elbow, ankle
- biaxial- two planes- ribs, wrist
- triaxial- 3 planes- shoulder hip
gliding joint
- synovial joint
- slight nonaxial or multiaxial
- ex. acromioclavicular, intercarpal/intertarsal joints
hinge joint
- synovial joint
- monoaxial
- ex. elbow, knee, ankle, interphalangeal joint
pivot joint
- synovial joint
- monoaxial (rotational)
- ex. atlas/axis, proximal radio-ulnar joint
ellipsoid joint
- synovial joint
- biaxial
- ex. radiocarpal joint, metacarpophalangeal joints 2-5, metatarsophalangeal joints
saddle joint
- synovial joint
- biaxial
- first carpometacarpal joint
ball and socket joint
- synovial joint
- triaxial
- ex. shoulder, hip