
  1. Culture
    Set of values, beliefs, customs, rules handed down through generations.
  2. Channel
    Method used to deliver message from encoder.
  3. Downward Communication
    comm. that flows from superiors to subordinates
  4. Paraphrase
    Listen to another and restate the message in own words.
  5. Pseudo
    one who fakes or pretends to listen.
  6. Dyadic
    comm. that takes place with just two people
  7. Feedback
    recognize response of a receiver to a senders message.
  8. External Noise
    Listening challenges that are external- in the environment.
  9. Internal Noise
    Listening barrier within the person the hinders decoding a message.
  10. Decoder
    One who attaches meaning to words, symbols, behavior.
  11. Co-Culture
    A group that has a clear identity with the encompassing group.
  12. Upward Comm.
    Comm. that flows from subordinates to superiors.
  13. Plagiarism
    using words or ideas from another author without citing the source.
  14. Pragmatic
    One who takes a practical approach to problems.
  15. Ambiguous
    Comm. that delivers a cloudy or unclear message.
  16. Transactional
    Exchange of active comm. simultaneously
  17. Ethics
    An individual system of moral principles
  18. Interpersonal
    Creating and sharing info between two or more people
  19. Ethocentric
    Persons pride in own heritage leading to "better than others" attitude
  20. Intrapersonal
    Process of understanding info within ones self
  21. Stereotype
    Categorize people, events, objects without regards to others.
  22. Encoder
    One who creates a message and choose channel to deliver message.
  23. Chronemics
    Nonverbal term for time messaging or structure of time
  24. Assign, Attend, Respond, Remember
    Four stages
  25. Proxemics
    Nonverbal term for space around you.
  26. Jargon
    Specific terminology used within a particular group or business.
  27. Nonverbal
    Comm. involving messages expressed other than linguistically.
  28. Haptics
    Nonverbal term for touch (shake hands, embrace)
  29. Slang
    Unimportant terminology that quickly goes out of fashion
  30. Artifacts
    Man-made objects stressing or distinguishing character.
  31. Kinesics
    Nonverbal study of body movement, facial, appearance.
  32. Silence
    Power message used to comm. feelings/prevents verbal.
  33. Groupthink
    Condition of group unwilling to examine ideas to maintain harmony
  34. Brainstorm
    Approach to idea that encourages free thinking/ minimizes conformity
  35. Transition
    Statement between two parts to understand relations of parts and thesis
  36. Reflective Thinking Method
    John Deweys problem solving method
  37. Thesis
    A single sentence that summarizes the central idea of a presentation
  38. Norms
    Informal unspoken rules about what behavior is appropriate.
  39. Group
    Collection of people who are not experts but interact to reach a goal.
  40. Specific Goal
    Concrete statement of what speakers what audience to remember
  41. Team
    Collection of competent experts collaborate, support, to reach a common goal.
  42. Connotation
    Subjective meaning of a word because of associates it evokes
  43. Consensus
    Decision making method when whole group supports the decision.
  44. General Goal
    Broad purpose of a speech
  45. Denotation
    Standard dictionary definition of a word
  46. Persuasion
    Speech that changes an attitude, action, belief or behavior.
  47. Fallacy
    An argument that sounds logical but is flawed by errors of reasoning.
  48. Disfluencies
    Vocal disruptions or filler words that distract in a formal speech
  49. Credibility
    Persuasive force that comes form audience belief in speaker.
  50. Manuscript
    Lose your audience because you are reading everything from the page.
  51. Memorize
    recite word for word
  52. Extemperanious
    Planned, researched, rehearsed
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