Medieval & Renaissance Music Final

  1. What are the dates for the Renaissance era?
  2. Name the three genres of Renaissance vocal music.
    Madrigal, motet, mass
  3. State two facts about madrigals.
    • 1. Solo voices
    • 2. Secular (topics include nature, mythology, etc.)
    • 3. Used to entertain, also used as a status symbol
  4. What is madrigalism?
    Word painting (musical depiction or portrayal of the text)
  5. What defines a Renaissance motet?
    Sacred music in Latin that is not part of the Ordinary or Mass Proper
  6. What is different about the Renaissance mass?
    Chants quoted in the cantus firmus are typically changed (augmented, diminished, inverted); secular tunes eventually replace chants as cantus firmuses; equal importance between voices; number of voices expands to six
  7. Who set the precedent for resolution of dissonances?
  8. Name the five genres of Renaissance instrumental music.
    Ricercare, canzona, fantasia, toccata, dances
  9. What is ricercare?
    "To search" (Similar to fugue, there is a subject and chase motion)
  10. What is a canzona?
    Italian equivalent of a French chanson
  11. What is a fantasia?
    A song with an improvised nature
  12. What is a toccata?
    "To touch or play"
  13. What holds instrumental music together in the place of lyrics?
    Harmonic structure
  14. Name four of the Renaissance instruments or instrument families discussed in class.
    Viol consort, recorder consort, crumhorns, brass consort, virginal/harpsichord/clavichord, organ, lute
  15. What is the modern equivalent to the viol consort?
    String family
  16. What is the modern equivalent of the recorder consort?
  17. What is the modern equivalent of the crumhorn?
    Double-reed instruments
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Medieval & Renaissance Music Final
Lino's Fall 2010 Final