Noradrenaline: neurotransmitter
Limbic system: essential for emotional learning and expression. Also modulates memory consolidation by emotional state
Drug inhibiting a neurotransmitter by slowing its release, production, or persistence. May block receptors of the neurotransmitter
D-2-amino-5-phosponovalerate. antagonist of NMDA receptors
Basal Ganglia
Forebrain components of the extra pyramidal motor system including the striatum
Behavioral LTP
Changes in synaptic efficacy due to memory formation
Cell assembly
Hebb's notion of a local circuit of connected neurons that develop to represent a specific precept or concept
Major structure of the brain stem involved in motor control. Critical for skeletal muscle responses
Cognitive map
Systematic representation of topology in the brain
Cortical column
Functional and anatomical organization in the cortex. Similar functioning cells are arranged vertically across layers in parallel columns
Cued learning
Nonspatial learning: learning guided by a stimulus
Spatial learning
Learning guided by the use of spatial relations among external stimuli
Declarative memory
Everyday facts or information includes both episodic and semantic information
Double dissociation
Damage in A but not B results in failure in task X but not Y. Damage in B but not in A results in failure in task Y but not X
Egocentric space
Position in environment relative to the orientation of the body ex left or right
Explicit memory
Memory expression based on conscious memory recollection
Episodic memory
Representation of life experiences requires conscious recollection
- Connects hippocampus with other hypothalamus thalamus septum and brain stem
- Modulates arousal and consolidation
Implicit memory
Unconscious changes in performance due to previous experiences
Contains Ammons horn( ca1 and ca3) dentate gyrus and subiculum
Limbic system
Emotional circuits in the brain including the amygdala septum and prefrontal cortex and areas of the mid brain
Ionotropic receptors
Neurotransmitter receptor found in post synaptic elements and allow charged molecules (ions) to flow
Metabotropic receptor
Do not open channels and doesn�t directly affect the membrane potential but tend to have longer lasting effects
Modulation of memory
- Facilitation or retardation of memory consolidation mediated by hormones
- Adrenaline via vagus nerve to the amygdala is most relating to emotional memory
- Subcortical structure of the forebrain contains the caudate and putamen
- Critical for habit memory due to functions in the extra pyramidal motor system
Semantic memory
Ones body of world knowledge and organization of memory
Allocentric space
Position in environment independent of orientation or location of subject
Packard and McGaugh
- Showed first double dissociation experiment showed cognitive map vs habit
- Rotated the T-Maze experiment.
- Found that regularly trained rats used a "cognitive map" and Overtrained rats practiced "habit"
Place cells
Found that some cells react to a specific place and a specific intention. Cells in rats in T-maze react to intersection and turning left, but not turning right
Rotated T-maze showed early signs of multiple types of learning my observing place vs response in rats
Urbach-Wiethe disease
Selective bilateral calcification of the amygdala but not the hippocampus
Category specific amnesia
- Due to damage in neocortex
- 1 category of amnesia and rest of memory is fine
Both created and stored in the neocortex but requires hippocampus for consolidation
- Typical example
- Brain categorizes information and conforms it into an archetype aka stereotype
Alex Martin
- Used the subtraction method to look for brain activity while naming things in two trials for two categories
- Found separate brain real estate for each category
Can�t recognize faces
Face cells
In temporal cortex cares about particular faces and only responds to specific aspect of the face
Grandmother cell hypothesis
- One cell for one memory
- Jk hypothesis
- Rat Hilton
- Examined bushiness of dendrites in parallel fibers in cerebellar cortex and increased synapses to Purkinje cells
Purkinje cells
- Main cells in cerebellar cortex
- Sends inhibitory inputs to deep nuclei
Mossy fibers
- Excitatory inputs for Purkinje cells but work indirectly
- Originates from brain stem nuclei and run via parallel granule cells perpendicular to the Purkinje cells
Climbing fibers
- Another excitatory input to the Purkinje cells
- Originates from the inferior olivary nucleus of the medulla
- Wraps around cell body of Purkinje cell with all or nothing influence
Long term depression
- Long term decrease in synaptic activity can last for multiple hours
- Discovered by Ito
LTD of mossy fibers/ climbing fibers
- Central for cerebellum contribution of motor learning
- Equals inhibition of Purkinje cells = no inhibition of interpositus
- Bottom of cerebellum vital for motor learning
- Activates red nucleus
Red nucleus
- Required for blinking circuitry
- Without = no learning
- With = instant learning
Richard Thompson
Tone puff eye blink reflex learning
CS Tone
Tone => auditory nuclei=> pontine nuclei=> mossy fibers => cerebellar cortex (purkinje cells) =| interpositus
US Puff
Puff=> trigminal nucleus=> inferior olive=> climbing fibers=> cerebellar cortex (purkinje cells)=| interpositus
Together activate LTD when mossy and climbing fibers work together
Interpositus => red nucleus => cranial motor nuclei=> blink ( UR + CR).
Conditioned response goes away when paired stimulus is unpaired
Inferior Olive
Vital for tone + puff learning. Without it rabbits showed extinction when conditioned stimulus is still paired.
Ribot's Law
Memories need some time before becoming fixed
Temporal retrograde amnesia
Usually due to trauma. Cannot recall information prior to traumatic event
Anterograde amnesia
Cannot recall information following trauma.
PET scan study of tone+puff
- 1) tone/puff unpaired
- 2) tone+puff paired
- 3) test with subtraction logic
- Conclusion: people with cerebellum damage don�t learn reflex as well
- Random image pairing. Initially 1 neuron only cares about 1 image. After pairing 1 neuron cares about 2 images.
- Studied the ventral visual stream. STM vision and LTM storage
Ventral stream
Whats what
Dorsal stream
Whats where
Model on storing declarative memory
STM from neocortex=> hippocampus=> LTM in neocortex
Somatosensory cortex has plastic neurons due to experiences
Somatosensory cortex
Homunculus aka brain real estate for sensory info
- Does the auditory cortex learn?
- Experiment does tuning curve of an auditory cell shift.
- 1) find cell of best frequency
- 2) Pavlovian conditioning: foot shock paired with neighboring frequencies
- 3) find cell again
Tuning curve
Auditory cells are tuned to a specific frequency and best respond to one frequency
Old philosophy on senses
Sensory cortex couldn�t learn because basic sensory function doesn�t change
Shift in tuning curve
Shift does appear with conditioning. However hippocampus vital for recall. Tuning curve will unshift the next day if hippocampus is destroyed.
Procedural memory
Muscle memory and habit
Packard and McGaugh
- Visual vs spatial discrimination
- 1) see ball get on ball at fixed spot
- 2) go to same spot with hidden ball
- 3) go to seen ball in new spot
- Results: control goes to new ball. No hippocampus goes to new ball. No striatum go to hidden ball.
McDonald and White
- Triple Disociation Test
- Focused on the striatum, hippocampus, and amygdala.
- Showed triple disociation with rats in a radial maze given various training
Squire Weather Prediction task
- 1) set of cards correlate with sun or rain. Cards not perfect correlation but probability.
- 2) not conscious learning, not declarative memory recall
- 3) stimulus and response learning
Weather Prediction Results
- Parkinson�s = no SR learning
- HM/ CAS = normal learning
- When asked about test after
- Parkinson�s = normal recall
- HM/ CAS = fail to recall
- Shows double dissociation!
Figure 10.5 kermandi and Joseph
- Monkeys trained on specific sequences of light
- SR learning: specific sequence of light = get juice
- Cell responds to L light only after U light appears
- Cell responds to particular part of sequence
- Cells in striatum respond to robot SR
Nondeclarative memory
Skill learning, priming, and conditioning aka nonconscious learning
Skill learning
Muscle memory mostly in basal ganglia, motor cortex, and cerebellum
Cued recalling of an earlier exposure
Perceptual priming
Sensory cues like vision and perception works mostly in frontal lobe
Conceptual priming
Stimulus recalls past thought reduces activity in frontal lobe
Simple delay and trace conditioning
Trace conditioning
- CS is brief and followed by a blank "trace" period then the US.
- Hippocampus and neocortex dependent
Simple delayed conditioning
- Standard CS and US pairing
- Cerebellar circuit
- Classic amnesia syndrome = HM amnesia
- Can answer primed word completion test but not word recall tests
Priming locations
- Medical temporal lobe = no good for priming
- Neocortex = good for priming
Patient MS
- Visual cortex damage = Missing sight
- Tested for priming
- Declarative memory = fine
- Priming ability = poor
Priming test or MS
- 1) show words list a
- 2) show new words list b
- Priming = less active sensory cortex = more faster recognition = more efficient and less energy
Muella and Pilzecker
- Students of Ebbinghaus
- 2 word list study
- Learning list 2 interrupted learning of list 1
- More time in-between learning two lists = less interruption of learning
Cereletti and bini
1938 first to discover electroconvulsive shock
Electroconvulsive shock still used today for treatment of depression
1949 light+shock in one compartment. Other side safe. Rat learns active avoidance to avoid shock.
ECS in rats
Takes about 1 hr for memory consolidation in rats. Rats with ECS don�t learn shock avoidance well. ECS has an effect like retrograde amnesia
McGaugh and Gold
- Why is retrograde amnesia as loss of recent memory first?
- Temporally graded memory loss occurs becuase consolidation is interrupted by truamatic event.
Memory gradient graph
- Retrograde enhancement gradient: new memories = more malleable.
- Retrograde amnesia gradient: new memory = less malleable
Temporally graded retrograde amnesia
Info gained immediately before trauma is lost, but info gained longer ago is retained.
Retrograde enhancement gradient
After trauma the enhancement of memory decreases as time goes on
Retrograde amnesia gradient
After trauma new memories are most susceptible to loss.
Retrograde enhancement and retrograde amnesia
- Explains why there is both retrograde amnesia and anterograde amnesia in patients suffering from head trauma.
- Trauma hinders both memory storage and memory recall
McGaugh learning/ performance distinction
At the time the status quo: drug=> train/ learn=> wait => test (no distinction)
McGaugh's way
Train/ learn => drugs => wait => test. Creates distinction because drugs don�t effect learning or recall phase, only consolidation phase
Rat poison used in a really small dose to enhance memory
Inverted U
McGaugh discovered the right drug at right dose enhances memory and performance. Too little or too much drug inhibits memory/ performance
Best memory enhancing drugs?
Stimulants = amphetamines = catechamines = fight or flight hormones in adrenal glands.
What is the body's natural amphetamine?
Adrenal hormone = adrenaline and Norepinephrine ( in brain)
Why does body accept morphine?
An endogenous morphine naturally exists in body
Morphine and memory
Soldiers given morphine within two hrs of injury are less likely to get PTSD
Opiate used to numb severe pain by acting in the central nervous system
Post traumatic stress disorder an extremely painful memory never goes away and inhibits daily life.
How do amphetamines or adrenaline enhance memory?
- 1) adrenaline activates the vagus nerve
- 2) adrenaline and glucose work together to activate the amygdala
Flight or fight response
Triggered by stressful situation. Stress activates adrenal glands. Adrenaline goes through blood stream to vagus nerve. In the brain Norepinephrine also activates vagus nerve. Vagus nerve regulates heart rate.
- Adrenaline
- Adds lots of glucose into the blood stream during stress. Body uses sugar to run or fight.
Nucleus of the solitary tract
- Aka nucleus tractus solitarii
- Connects the vagus nerve in the medulla to the amygdala
Numbing drug which renders part of the brain useless
Is the NTS vital for emotional memory?
Yes. Test with lidocaine in NTS => train/ learn=> drug = memory loss ( in rats with enhanced memory
No NTS = No Memory enhancement
NTS activated by Norepinephrine. Norepinephrine stimulates the brain to enhance memory. No NTS = regular memory
Inhibits Norepinephrine receptors. Blocks memory enhancing effect of Norepinephrine
MODULATES memory can either enhance or hinder
Test amygdala and memory
- Legion amygdala=> train=> induce adrenaline=> record = no memory enhancement.
- Measure amount of Norepinephrine present in amygdala
- Intverted U relationship for memory and dose
McGaugh more Norepinephrine
Shock chamber and 24 hr recall. More Norepinephrine = longer reenter time
Does the amygdala store emotional memory?
No. Amygdala only modulates another system
1985 McGaugh declarative memory system
Normal people remember emotional info more than neutral info. Propranolol inhibits amygdala, Propranolol subjects have almost no preference.
Cahill PET scan and amygdala
- Experiment: watch=> wait 3 weeks=> test memory
- Watch 2 films while in pet scan. ( men only) more glucose in amygdala = better recall
Important amygdala results
- 1. Propranolol selectively blocks emotional memory
- 2. German without amygdala = person on Propranolol
- 3. Amygdala not needed for declarative memory
Alkire Experiment
- Watch film=> inject adrenaline=> wait 1 week=> Test
- Found an inverted U relationship for cortisol and memory.
Packard, McGaugh, and Cahill Figure 12.2
- Morris Water Maze Revisted
- 2 Tests
- Training=> inject amphetamine to stimulate region=> wait 24hr => lidocaine amygdala => test
- A. Spatial test where position is constant but hidden.
- B. Cued test where positision is variable but visible.
- Results: Amphetamine in amygdala enhances performance on both tasks. Amphetamine aids in spatial task for the hippocampus, but not for cue task.
- Amphetamine aids in cue task for striatum, but not for spatial task.
- Shows double dissociation and amygdala modulates other regions of brain.
Neurotransmitter which inhibits the release of norepinephrine.
McGaugh view
Memory helps predict the future
Stress hormone responsible for " i know it but cant remember" feeling
Has inverted U effect on memory. Depends on dose and situation. AKA MODULATION
Cahill ice water test
- Men ice vs no ice = better recall with ice (increased coritsol)
- Women ice vs no ice = equal recall (despite increased cortisol)
Sex differences in the brain
Men and women react differently due to different brain hormones present mostly due to menstrual cycle
Why is estrogen important?
Hippocampus => pyramidal cells => full of cortisol and estrogen receptors
Rerun study
- 3 groups of women
- 1. Low estrogen/ low progesterone = early follicular stage
- 2. High estrogen/ low progesterone= late follicular stage
- 3. Low estrogen/ high progesterone = mid flutor stage
- Group 1 neutral recall
- Group 2 decrease recall
- Group 3 increase recall as more cortisol enters brain
- Why? Unknown
Left and right amygdala
- Men use right amygdala recall mostly the gist
- Women use left amygdala recall mostly the details
Reanalysis of PET amygdala
Propranolol ( beta blocker) reduces the gist memory in men and reduces the details memory in women.
Oral contraceptive effect on memory
- Normal cycling women recall details of emotional scene best
- Normal men recall gist of emotional scene best
- Oral contraceptive women recall gist of emotional scene best ( at like men)
- Shows that social norms are not an influence
Cahill's saying
Science: women = men + ~ estrogen
Epilepsy. Removed hippocampus and amygdala. Defines CAS.
Medial temporal lobe main region causing temporally graded memory loss
McGaugh and Gold
Why is retrograde amnesia as loss of recent memory first?
Memory gradient graph
- Retrograde enhancement gradient: new memories = more malleable.
- Retrograde amnesia gradient: new memory = less malleable
Temporally graded retrograde amnesia
Info gained immediately before trauma is lost, but info gained longer ago is retained.
Retrograde enhancement gradient
After trauma the enhancement of memory decreases as time goes on
Retrograde amnesia gradient
After trauma new memories are most subceptible to loss.
Retrograde enhancement and retrograde amnesia
- Explains why there is both retrograde amnesia and anterograde amnesia in patients suffering from head trauma.
- Trauma hinders both memory storage and memory recall
Front ventricle & thalamus
Organ of common sense
Basics of synapse
Synaptic junction where ions flow from post to pre mostly ion gated
Brains ability to adapt and be fluid
Active construction project
Memory disorder inability to recall
Tools in toolbox
MRI FMRI EEG MEG electrical recording animal research
4 C's
- Connection: cajal
- Cognition: james
- Compartmentalization: james
- Cognition: james
1860-1870 Broca's area
Found that brain is not symmetrical. Came up with idea of zones in the brain
Robert hooke
"form reflects function" not really in brain
Cell Theory
- Cajal
- 1. Brain is made of neurons
- 2. Law of polarization: neurons are unidirectional
Reticulum theory
Golgi mesh theory wrong!
Charles Sherrington
Interactive action of the nervous system. Coined the phrase synapse
- Nonsense syllables and learning.
- Quantified learning with the unit "savings"
- savings = retention in terms of reduction of learning trials
- 1. Forgetting is non linear
- 2. Distributed is better than mass practice (cramming)
Ribot's law of regression
- Loss of memory is inversely related to the time elapsed between event and injury.
- Memories need a certain time to be organized and fixed
Memories at the highest level of analysis. Psychological level
Memory is stored throughout the brain but regions are organized to certain info
Memory needs time to be stored and fixed
Neurons connect brain circuitry to body
Conditioned reflex aka SR
I robot SR Thorndike puzzle boxes anticognition
I think cognition James principles of psychology
Alzheimer�s disease
Memory degradation
Korsakoff's syndrome
Little consolidation of info common in alcoholics
Learning is a gradual connection of sr
Electrical properties
Ca+2 determines length of action potential
- Metabotropic receptor
- Serotononin => ATP=> cAMP=> PKA=| K+
Opens ion gated receptors to Na+ to flow in cell and K+ out
Fewer neurotransmitters released from the post synaptic junction to the next neuron
Action potential
- Glutamate =>Mg+ leaves NMDA receptor=>Ca+2 flows in
- Ca+2 => cAMP=> PKA=> close K+ channels
CREB1= make long term memory
Serotonin=> ATP=> cAMP=> PKA => nucleus=> CREB1
CREB2 "evil": no memory
Activated by MAPK
May inhibit creb1 and activate creb2.
Long term potentiation: long lasting epsp. A permanent increase in synaptic efficiency
Thordike Law of Effect
Reinforcement enhances sr connection aka learning
Koehler "insight learning"
Nonlinear learning a sudden flash of insight.
Tolman cognitive map
Animals can elastically use a cognitive map to efficiently go around detours
Fredric Bartlett
- Schema power to remember. Experiment:
- 1. Story about indians
- 2. Measure content obtained
- Result: memory is a reconstructive process (not regurgitation.
An organization of information in the mind
Neurons receive same input but sends out less neurotransmitters (desensitize)
Break the habit by adding a new stimulus
Dr Kendall
- Gill redrawal reflex in aplysia.
- Sensory neuron sends instructions to motor neuron via a ganglion L7.
Sensitized reflex arc
Sensory neurons receive the same input but sends out more neurotransmitters to the motor neuron to get an enhanced reaction
Guzowski and McGaugh
Creb-antisense = blocks creb1. Used a cannula to inject creb antisense into hippocampus. Result: blocked long term memory formation
1973 bliss and lomo
Discovered LTP. Gave a tetanus zap to neuron to create a long lasting action potential
LTP Uses
- 1 prominent in the hippocampus
- 2 develops rapidly
- 3 lasts long hours
- 4 synaptic specificity
- 5 associative
- 6 theta rhythm
Theta study
- Larson and lynch
- Hippocampus as oscillating theta rhythm used to navigate the world
Block LTP with AP5
AP5 blocks NMDA receptor. No effect on EPSPs.
AMPA receptor
- Regulates neurotransmittance in the hippocampus
- Allows Na+ and K+, but no Ca+2 to flow more easily.
Richard Morris
- Water maze task. Rats with hippocampal damage must find a fixed hidden platform.
- AP5 definitely hinders performance by numbing the hippocampus but doesn�t effect all memory
SR learning is the only type of learning at its like a chain link fence
Memory errors according to Barlett
- 1. Sharpening learning
- 2. Additions and omissions
- 3. Normalization/ rationalization
Dr. Laftus
Researches false memory at UCI.studies bartlettization of memoryConcludes that certain cues and induce a false memory hence "leading the witness" is big problem
Scoville and Milner 1957
Classic Amnesia Syndrome famous patients HM and IS
Classic Amnesia syndrome
- 1. Intact LTM
- 2. Intact STM
- 3. Intact sensation and motor function
- 4. Intact intelligence
- Cannot consolidate STM to LTM
Patient H.M.
- Removal of hippocampus, amygdala, and some of the surrounding cortex due to severe epilepsy.
- After surgery severe anterograde amnesia. Could not consolidate new memories, best recollection of childhood memories.
- Intact motor function and intelligence. Capable of very short term memory.
Patient IS
Damage to Amgydala ONLY. Not CAS declarative memory is just fine. A bit emotionally insensitive.
Patient Chuck
- Severe damage to parts of the hippocampus
- NOT a CAS patient
- Still was able to recall fragmented memories
- Bits of the hippocampus worked to form broken memories
Patient EP
- Virus destroyed hippocampus surrounding cortex and the amygdala
- CAS symptoms
- Has LTM and STM
- Motor function and intelligence are fine
- Cannot consolidate new memories
- No declarative or conscious memory recall
- Yes procedural and emotional memory
Patient RB
- Stroke destroyed CA1 layer of hippocampus
- 50% CAS symptoms
- Had LTM temporally graded amnesia motor function but a broken consolidation circuit
Anatomy of hippocampus
- Ammons Horn ( CA1&CA3) the dentate gyrus and the subiculum
- Pryamidal cells in Ammons Horn are interwoven with mossy fibers in dentate gyrus. Information flows to subiculum through the fornix to other areas of the brain.
Test for transitivity and symmetry
- 1. Train for ab and xy pairs
- 2. Train for bc and yz pairs
- 3. Test for ac and xz pairs aka transitivity
- 4. Test for cb and zy pairs aka symmetry
- Result: Normal rats could transfer info. Hippocampal damage rats could not.
- Normal rats could do symmetry. Hippocampal damage rats could barely do it.
Delayed Nonmatch to Sample (DNMS)
- Subject must remember a stimulus after a delayed period without the aide of cues. Three phases:
- 1. Sample phase: view the stimulus cant respond
- 2. Delay phase: stimulus cannot be seen
- 3. Choice phase: subject must select an alternative stimulus to earn a reward
Figure 5.2 animal models
- For DNMS and Delayed response, normal monkeys did much better than HM monkeys.
- For barrier motor skill task and lifesaver motor skill tasks, normal and HM monkeys had the same results
Hippocampus cortex
Main culprit in CAS not just the hippocampus
PET Scan
Positron emission topography. Inject radioactive glucose into blood use PET to get image
Subtraction logic
- Stimulation (test) - control (normal brain activity) = difference.
- Worked for vision and visual cortex.
Why didn't the subtraction logic work on the hippocampus?
Subtraction logical fails if the structure is always active. Hippocampus never stops working.
Has lots of variability so data must be normalized for analysis.
Imaging and memory
Compare images while learning with images a day later
Cahill Memory PET Scans
- 1. Subject listens to a list of words
- 2. Wait 24 hours
- 3. Free verbalized recall of list
- Result: more active hippocampus = more memory
Functional magnetic resonance imaging based on amount of oxygenated hemoglobin in blood
1998 memory and imaging
- Test: scan pics=> wait 24 hrs=> test memory
- Results: Those who remember have a bigger BOLD response then those who forget.