
  1. What is a release plan?
    A plan setting out the residential, educational and treatments arrangements made for an inmate applying for conditional release
  2. What does the release plan consists of?
    Release plan contains informaition about where the prospective parole will live, employment prospects, and any arragements for community-based support
  3. Who approves the release plans?
    Release plans must be vetted by probation or parole officers in the community into which the offender will be released
  4. What is conditional release?
    the various means of leaving a correctional institution before warrant expiry
  5. What is the purpose of conditional release?
    • Facilitate the rehabilitation of offenders and their reintegration into the community as law-abiding citizens
    • A bridge between incarceration adn the return to community
    • Based on belief that offenders should be given gradual release into society
    • Part of system's innovations to provide incentives for offenders to behave, reform
  6. Where does the release begins with?
    • The release process starts with the sentencing
    • The length of sentence determines max amount of time the offender can be kept inside
    • The minimal amout of time before eligible for conditional release
  7. Who makes the release decision?
    • The decision to release is made by the National Parole Board or the provincial board in QC and ONT
    • Independent of the corrections system
    • Will make the least restrictive decision, consistent with the protection of society
  8. What are the similarities on parole and probation?
    Both involve supervision of offenders in the community under a set conditions and restriction on liberty
  9. What are the differences between parole and probation?
    • Probation is a sentence, ordered by the judge at the time of sentencing
    • Parile concerns prison inmates, allow them to serve part of their sentence in the community
    • If ciolation of parole leads to suspension, offenders go back to jail
    • Violation on conditions of probation dont automatically lead to pirson, new charge laid and go back to court
  10. What is the preliminary set information review by parole boards?
    • Offences
    • Criminal history
    • Release history
    • psychiatric reports
  11. What is the rate of grants for parole?
    • less and less applications, and less and less grants
    • The NPB grants parole in 40% of the cases
    • Similar in ONT
  12. What are the pros of parole?
    • Lower cost
    • Increased employment
    • Community support
    • Reduced risk of criminal socialization
    • Increased opportunites for rehabilation
  13. What are the cons of parole?
    • Relative lack of punishemtn
    • Increased risk to the community
    • Increased social cost
  14. What are the 4 types of conditional release?
    • Temporary Absence
    • Day parole
    • Full parole
    • Statutory release
  15. What are TAs?
    • Granted by the institution and can begin soon after admission
    • 1st that inmates are eligible for
    • most common type of release for provincial inmates
    • BC eliminated TAs
    • fed inmates may be escorted during their TA, can be unescorted after 1/6 sentence
  16. What is day parole?
    • Allows inmates to participate in community programs, have to come back and sleep in the institution
    • Granted by boards to aid transition to full parole
    • Generally does not exceed 6 months
    • Prov: available at 1/6 of sentence
    • Fed: 6 months before full parole
    • Lifers: 3 years before FP
  17. Who supervises during day parole?
    • Prov inmates: supervised by probation officers
    • Fed: supervised by parole
  18. What is full parole?
    • Inmates serve the the remainder of their sentence under supervision in the community
    • Most common type of release for federal inmates
    • Eligible after serving 1/3 of sentence (except lifers)
  19. What is statutory release?
    • The release of federal inmates, subject to supervision, after two-thirds of the sentence has been served
    • most federal inmates, by law, must be released at that point
    • Administrative decicion of the correctional system, not NPB
  20. What is cold turkey release?
    • Inmate are released with no conditions or supervision
    • Provincial inmates: released at 2/3 of their sentence
    • Federal inmates: release at warrant expiry date
  21. How long do inmates have to serve in order to apply for hope clause?
    15 years
Card Set
Week 10