SMTE 3316 Final Exam

  1. 1. List some specific adaptations that plants have to:
    a. Reproduce:

    · Pollen grain -male; gametophyte - contains sperm.

    · Ovule - female gametophyte - contains the ovule.

    · Stamen - Male reproductive organ of flower.

    Pistil - Female reproductive organ. Flower
  2. List some specific adaptations that plants have to:
    • a. Spread
    • Seed:

    • A
    • fruit provides protection for seeds and helps in seed dispersal.

    • Fruits
    • aids in the spread of seeds as animals eat fruit, pass through digestive
    • track, spreads as the animal wanders.
  3. 1. List some
    specific adaptations that plants have to:
    • a. Attract
    • Pollinators:

    • Pollination
    • = transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma.

    • Pollen
    • can be carried by wind, water or animals.

    • Wind-pollinated
    • produces a large amount of pollen due to wide dispersal.
  4. 2. Be able
    to label the parts of a flower as discussed in class.
    • #1 Anther - structure in which
    • pollen grains develop.

    • #2
    • Filament - small stalk which supports each anther.

    • #3
    • Petal - colored structures which help to attract insects for pollination.

    • #4
    • Sepals - structures which protect the bud as it is developing.

    • #5
    • Receptacle - structure at the base of flower which holds all flower parts.

    • #6
    • Stigma - top area of the pistil where pollen grains attach and germinate.

    • #7
    • Style - tube down which the pollen tube grows as it moves towards the ovary.

    • #8
    • Ovary - structure containing the unfertilized seeds.

    Male - Stamen - #1 and #2

    • Female - Pistil - #6, #7, and
    • #8
  5. 2. What is
    the botanical definition of a fruit?
    • The ripened ovary of a flower. Provides protection for
    • seeds and helps in seed dispersal. Anything that has a seed in it, in science any plant that bears a seed in
    • it is a Fruit!
  6. Why are plants important to
    our planet? (4 reasons)
    · provide food

    · convert carbon dioxide into oxygen

    · fertilize soil naturally

    · can be used for medicines
  7. 5. What is the difference
    between an angiosperm and a gymnosperm?
    · Angiosperms protect seeds

    · Gymnosperms don't have fruit enclosing seeds.
  8. 6. Discuss the relationship between insects and plants.
    The both benefit from each other. The flowers use their colors to attract the insect. The insect gets the plants nectar while the insect fertilizes the plant.
  9. 7. What exactly is DNA and why is it important in
    living things?
    • It is the hereditary material in humans and
    • almost all other organs. It holds the genetic information blueprint of a cell.Its important because it gives is the blueprint for life in every cell in our bodies.
  10. Why is DNA a
    more reliable source of identification than finger prints?
    DNA is unique to the individual cant be altered cane be traced through genetics, finger-prints are based on judgement interpretaion
  11. Describe the general structure of a DNA molecule?
    The structure of DNA is illustrated by a right handed double helix, with about 10 nucleotide pairs per helical turn.
  12. 10. Where is DNA located within a cell?
    · DNA is located within the nucleus of a cell
  13. Describe a trajectory of evolutionary development in the animal kingdom:
    o Porifera- sponges- specialized cells

    o Cnideria- jellyfish- stinging cells defense mechanism

    o Platyhelminthes- segmentation

    o Mollusca- muscular foot for movement

    o Annelida- well developed brain and sensory organs

    o Arthropoda- external exoskeleton

    • o Chordates- humans, fish, amphibians, birds- skeletons of
    • bones or cartilae, well developed hearts
  14. A) Explain with at least 5 specific
    examples, evidence of climate change that has been reported in south Texas:
    · Hotter temperatures

    · Drier climates

    · Coral Reefs die off due to increasingly hot temperatures.

    · Rapid range change has been reported for migratory birds

    · Water quality going down
  15. If a parent questions you
    regarding this topic, what resources will you refer them?
    An Inconvinient Truth, Al Gore

    Books on the Climate change of south Texas
  16. Students may wonder what they can do to affect change. What will you suggest? Provide at least 5
    different strategies that, practiced on a large scale, can impact this problem.
    · Recycle waste

    · Walk more instead of driving.

    · Use energy efficient light bulbs

    · Turn off all electric items when not using them

    · Plant trees

    · Use less hot water
  17. We dissected several specimens. Describe how you would use a similar dissection exercise in an elementary classroom that is learner-centered,
    knowledge-centered, assessment-centered and community centered. Be specific in your description and make sure that all four pillars of the How People Learn framework are addressed in
    order to receive full credit
    • For most students who live in the corpus christi area and it’s
    • surroundings, most would have some type of past experience with the sand
    • dollar. In the learning process
    • the students who have no prior knowledge of sand dollars will develop information
    • through a hands on learning experience dissection of sand dollars. Come up with certain points students
    • may already know and have them posted for students to see during the
    • dissection. Then, go over briefly
    • with the students actual parts of a sand dollar and why those parts are
    • significant. Next, let the
    • students in groups of about four students each get a sand dollar for
    • dissection. Have students describe
    • the characteristics within their groups.
    • Make sure everyone gets a chance to share something they
    • experienced. As a class go over
    • with the class what they learned maybe one person from each group could share
    • something they learned. Have
    • students go home and explain to the parents what was experienced in class. It would be good to ask parents when
    • they first came across a sand dollar and what their experiences with it were!
  18. 1. Science
    is not tested until 5th grade. Therefore, 38% of Texas teachers
    admit that they do not include science in the curriculum, spending more time on
    TAKS tested areas such as reading and math. Describe how you could include
    science in the reading and/or math curriculum. Use a specific lesson and
    describe how you would teach it. Also, include the four elements of the How
    People Learn framework in your example. Make sure that your lesson addresses
    TEKS content areas. You will be given a copy of the science TEKS for grades
  19. 1. Describe a current area of interest in science and how you could teach this area of interest to an elementary classroom. You must include 1) specific, hands-on, minds-on activity; 2) TEKS that are addressed, and 3) the four elements of How People Learn. Note that this must be something
    that was NOT done in class OR for Family Science. The more original and interesting, the more points may be awarded.
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SMTE 3316 Final Exam
Final Exam Review