What do the coronary arteries do?
Supply the heart with blood enriched oxygen
Chest pain, no damage
Myocardial Infarction
Heart attack, some heart muscle dies
Silent Ischemia
Inadequate blood flow to the heart but no pain
What is the difference between a common stroke & a hemorrhagic stroke?
- Common strokes are caused by blockage of an artery
- Hemorrhagic strokes are caused by the busting of an artery in the brain
Psychosocial risk factors
- stress
- hostility and anger
- social networks & social support
- gender
- race
- depression
- reliousness
Effects of SAM-Fight or flight response
- BP changes
- Coronary arteries tear, stretch, twist
- Can produce arrhythmia
- Stored fat is released & may be deposited in arteries
- Blood clots more easily & may cause heart attack
Why are traditional risk factors inadequate?
They only account for 50% of cases
What was done in the Tax Accountant Study?
What were the results?
- Study:
- Accountants followed for months
- Measures were serum cholesterol, how easily blood clotted, & diet
- Results:
- No change in diet
- Job stress caused blood cholesterol to increase & blood to clot more easily
- Effects would not have been detected by traditional risk factors
TYPE A pattern behavior
- Achievement-striving
- Impatience
- Competitiveness
- Hostility (most important)
- Vigorous speech/motor behavior
What is the model/pathway of Type A behavior?
How does hostility lead to coronary disease?
- Hostility is associated with traditional risk factors
- Hostile individuals experience more stress, have less social support
- Hostile individuals show strong physiologic response to stressors