
  1. Geographic Pricing
    • uniform geographic pricing - same price charged regardless of location
    • zone prices: group your customers into zones and charge each zone a price.
    • F.O.B. factory - transport cost is included
    • F.O.B. Destination - transport cost is not included
  2. Seasonal Discounts
    out of season pricing
  3. Cash Discount
    Pay with cash in full. get more discount
  4. Quantity Discounts
    Buy more, more will be discounted
  5. Trade Discounts
    middle man agrees to do something and will have discount
  6. Point-of-purchase displays
    • 1. outside designs
    • 2. window displays
    • 3. counter displays
    • 4. display racks
  7. Sales Promotion
    • consists of a wide variety of promotional tools designed to stimulate earlier and/or stronger market response. They include tools for consumer promotion.
    • ex. samples, coupons, price-offs, mirs
  8. Approach
    • early minutes are critical
    • look good
    • leave things outside of office (coat, umbrella)
  9. Preapproach in personal selling process
    • have an objective
    • prospect profile
    • develop a customer benefit plan
    • rehearse sales presentation
  10. Prospecting in personal selling process
    • leads
    • directories
    • newspapers
  11. Personal Selling Process
    • 1. Prospecting
    • 2. Preapproach
    • 3. Approach
    • 4. Making the presentation
    • 5. Trial Close
    • 6. Objections
    • 7. Trial Close
    • 8. Close, Close, Close
    • 9. Follow up
  12. Personal Selling
    Personal Selling is informing customers and persuading them to purchase products through personal communication in an exchange situation.
  13. Kinds of Publicity
    • News Release: <300 words
    • Feature Article: long manuscript
    • Captioned Photograph: photo with brief description
    • Press Conference: meeting called to announce major event.
  14. Publicity
    involves several editorial space as divorces from paid space, in all media read, viewed, or heard by a company's customers or prospects, for specific purpose of public knowledge.
  15. To execute advertising campaign
    • 1. may people and firms are involved in executing campaigns
    • - production companies
    • - media firms
    • - printers
    • - research manager
  16. To create advertising messages
    • 1. Copy
    • - headline
    • - storyline
    • - body copy: paragraph talking about product
    • - signature : trademark, logo, address, brand name

    • 2. Artwork
    • - Illustration: communicates idea
    • - Layout: physical arrangement of all above elements
  17. How to determine advertising approiation
    • 1. Object and Task
    • 2. Percent of sales approach
    • 3. Competition Matching
    • -Do not make same as competition
    • 4. Arbitrary Approach
    • - depends upon judgement of managers
  18. To define advertising objectives be...
    Clear, Precise, and measurable
  19. Primary and Secondary Demand
    Comparative Advantage
    Competitive Advantage
    • 1. Primary : New product
    • 2. Secondary : Not a new product
    • Competitive: talk about our product that do not exist in competitors product.
    • Comparative: compare brands
  20. Developing an Advertising Campaign Steps
    • 1 Identify and analyze advertising market
    • 2. define advertising objectives
    • 3. create advertising platform
    • 4. determine advertising appropriation
    • 5. develop media plan
    • 6. Create advertising messages
    • 7. Execute Campaign
    • 8. Evaluate advertising campaign
  21. Benefits of Adveritising
    • 1.Promote Products and Organizations
    • 2. Stimulate Primary and Secondary Demand
    • 3. Offset Competitor's advertising
    • 4. Increases use of a product
    • 5. To remind people and reinforce
    • 6. Reduce sales fluctuations
  22. Advertising
    A paid form of non personal communication about an organization and/or it products that is transmitted to target audience through a mass media.
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