OrgMan Chp14

  1. Achievement-oriented behavior
    setting very challenging goals, believing in worker's abilities.
  2. Participative Behavior
    give subordinates a say in matters that affect them
  3. Supportive Behavior
    look out for the worker's best interest
  4. Directive Behaviors
    set goals, assign tasks, show how to do things.
  5. Initiating Structure
    • leaders take steps to make sure that work gets done, subordinates perform their work acceptably, and the organization is efficient and effective
    • Managers assign tasks to groups and let subordinates know what is expected of them
  6. Consideration
    • leaders show subordinates they trust, respect, and care about them
    • Managers look out for
    • the well-being of their subordinates. Do what they can to help subordinates feel good and enjoy the work they perform
  7. Behavioral Model
    • Identifies the two basic types of behavior that
    • many leaders engaged in to influence their subordinates

    Consideration, initiating structure
  8. Expert Power
    • Power that is based on special knowledge, skills,
    • and expertise that the leader possesses.
    • Tends to be used in a guiding or coaching manner
  9. Coercive Power
    • The ability of a manager to punish others
    • Limited in effectiveness and application; can
    • have serious negative side effects
    • Examples: verbal reprimand, pay cuts, and
    • dismissal
  10. Reward Power
    • The ability of a manager to give or withhold tangible
    • and intangible rewards.
  11. Legitimate Power
    • The authority that a manager has by virtue of his
    • or her position in the firm.
  12. Leader
    • An individual who is able to exert influence over
    • other people to help achieve group or organizational goals
  13. Leadership
    • The process by which a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs
    • their activities to achieve group or organizational goals.
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OrgMan Chp14
OrgMan Chp14