
  1. legless condition in several groups of extant reptiles result of
    several instances of legless condition arising independently
  2. sceintific discipline with naming organisms
  3. verious taxonomic levels of heirarchial classification differq
  4. bionomial scientific name
    panthera leo
  5. phylogenetic tree that is rooted is
    at whose base is located the common ancestor of all taxa
  6. sequence from most to least comprehensive
    b k p c o f g s
  7. most specific
    genus musca
  8. greatest degree of structural homology
    D and F

  9. common ancestor of two species is most analogous to which anatomical tree part
    node where two twigs diverge
  10. criticism of classification scheme is most likely from adherent of phylocode method of classification?
    the only biologically valid classification of potato varieties is one that accuartely reflects their genetic and evolutionary relatedness
  11. homoplasy
    legless conditon found in various types of extant lizards
  12. best exaplnation for discrepancy
    common ancestry
  13. best classification system is that which closely
    reflects evolutionary history
  14. best examples of homologous strucutres?
    bat wing and human hand
  15. morphological similarities of two species are due to
    possession of analogous structures
  16. entirely of peptidoglycan
    cell wall
  17. requires ATP to function, and permits some species to respond to taxes
  18. not present in bacteria, enables cell to resist defenses of host
  19. enables to germinate after exposure to harsh conditions
  20. conjugation
    sex pilus
  21. endotoxin in gram-negative
    cell wall
  22. connects cytoplasm of two bacteria
    sex pilus
  23. copy of chromosome along with a small amount of dehydrated cytolasm within a tough wall
  24. prokaryotic reproduction correct statement
    mutation is a primary source of variation in prokaryote populations
  25. prokaryotes
    divide by binary fission, without mitosis or meiosis
  26. experimental populations of cells over 8yr perid
  27. least reasonable in terms of promoting bacterial survival over evolutionary time in low-glucose enviro
    increased reliance on glycolytic enzymes
  28. what can be infered
    the highest rate of genetic change occured during the first quarter of the experiment
  29. vertical axis refers to darwinian fitness, most accurate is
    number of generations per unit time
  30. new variation solely spontaneous mutations most effective process
    binary fision
  31. what should be true of 3 colis generation time
    generation time should be slower than in the typical environment
  32. snail-like coiled porous test (shell of calcium carbonate
  33. least likely to contribute to ability of single-celled foraminiferan to grow to diameter of several centimeters
    calcium carbonate test contributes to extra mass
  34. what makes certain red algae appear red
    they possess pigments that reflect and transmit red light
  35. largest seaweeds belong to
    brown algae
  36. chloroplast of land plants derived to which sequence
    cyanobacteria - green algae - land plants
  37. chloroplasts of all derived from ancestral red algae ecept
    green algae
  38. marine multicellular and lives at a depth reached only by blue light
    red algae
  39. green algae often differ from land plants in that some green algae
    are unicellular
  40. which taxon of eukaryotoic organisms is thought to be directly ancestral to plant kingdom
    green algae
  41. archaeplastidae eventually designated a kingdom, and if the land plants are excluded what will be true
    it will be paraphyletic
  42. best evidence for not classifying the slime molds as fungi comes from
    dna sequences
  43. pair of alternatives highlighted by life cycle of cellular slime molds dictyostelium
    unicellular / multicellular
  44. pairs a protist with one of its characteristics
    apicomplexans - parasitic
  45. false about protists
    primary organism that transmits malaria to humans by its bit is the tsetse fly
  46. primary producer
  47. unicellular eukaryote has siliceous glasslike shell and autotrophic nutrition
  48. mushrooms and toadstools
  49. largest to smallest
    mycelium, basidiocarp, gill, basidium, basidiospore
  50. mushroom with gills have meioticaly produced spores located in
  51. distinguishes ascospores from conidia
    ascospores have undergone genetic recombination during their production, conidia have not
  52. fungal movement
    cytoplasmic streaming in hyphae
  53. structures both penicillium and aspergillus produce asexual spores
  54. most porbable location of oldest portion of mycelium
  55. location nearest basidiocarps
  56. mycelium currently absorbing the most nutrients per unit surface
  57. lowest concentration of fungal enzymes
  58. highest concentration of free basidiospores in an air sample
  59. growth pattern most similar to that of mycelium produced in fairy ring
    skin mycoses
  60. most likely to be buried at location c
    tree stump
  61. chemicals secreted by soil fungi that inhibit growth of bacteria
  62. lichens are symbiotic assocations of fungi and
    • cyanobacteria and green algae
    • E
  63. least affiliation with all others
  64. fungal strucutre that is usually associated with asexual reproduction
  65. largest to smallest
    ascomycete, ascocarp, ascus, ascospore
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