Areas of the body where the bone lies close to the skin
Bony Prominences
Wound in which the skin’s surface is not broken
Closed Wound
The inner layer of the two main layers of tissue that make up the skin
A temporary or a chronic skin disorder that results in redness, itching, burning, swelling, cracking, weeping, and lesions; also called dermatitis
The outer layer of the two main layers of tissue that make up the skin
Death of tissue caused by infection or lack of blood flow
Natural protective covering
An area of abnormal tissue or an injury or wound
The pigment in the skin that produces and contains the pigment called
Cell in the skin that produces and contains the pigment called melanin
The death of living cells or tissues caused by lack of nourishment to tissues
Wound in which the skin’s surface is not intact
Open Wound
Areas of the body that bear much of its weight
Pressure Points
A serious wound resulting from skin breakdown; also known as decubitus ulcer or bed sore
Pressure Sore
A chronic skin condition caused by skin cells growing too quickly which results in red, white or silver patches, itching and discomfort
A fungal infection that causes red scaly patches to appear in a ring shape, generally on the upper body, or the hands and feet
Ring Worm
A contagious skin infection caused by mites burrowing into the skin that result in pimple-like irritations, rashes, intense itching, and sores
A viral infection caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox; cause pain, itching, rashes, and possibly fever and chills
A warm soak of the preineal area to cleanse preineal wounds and reduce inflammation and pain
Sitz Bath
Contagious rough, hard bump caused by a virus