Cell Cycle.txt

  1. What is the molecule called that stimulates the cell cycle?
  2. What is the resting stage of the cell cycle where there is no growth signal but metabolism exists?
  3. What occurs in the G1 stage?
    Proteins and other factors for DNA growth and division are created
  4. What occurs in S stage?
    The 46 chromosomes are duplicated
  5. What occurs in the G2 stage?
    The cell double checks and produces more proteins for Mitosis
  6. Do the daughter cells detach or remain attached to the parential chromosome?
  7. What is the nickname for G1 and G2 since there is no DNA replication occurring?
    The "GAP" phase
  8. What is the name given to the process of G1, G2, and S?
  9. What is the reasoning behind a cell being able to divide in the M phase?
    The cellular contents and DNA have doubled
  10. What are the five stages of Mitosis?
    • Prophase
    • Prometaphase
    • Metaphase
    • Anaphase
    • Telephase
  11. What occurs in Prophase?
    Spindles appear and chromosomes condense
  12. What occurs in prometaphase?
    Spindle fibers attach to kinetichores and chromosome condensing continues
  13. What occurs in metaphase?
    Chromosomes align at the metaphase plate
  14. What occurs in Anaphase?
    Centromeres divide and sister chromatids move to opposite poles
  15. What occurs in Telephase?
    • Nuclear membrane reforms
    • Chromosomes decondense
    • spindles disappear
  16. What is the molecule that creates the spindles?
  17. How many kinetichores are required to hold sister chromatids together?
  18. What is the process called in Anaphase/Telephase that divides the two daughter cells?
  19. Are gamete cells haploid or diploid?
    Haploid (n)
  20. What is the result of mitosis?
    1 diploid cell giving rise to two diploid daughter cells
  21. What is the result of meiosis?
    One diploid cell giving rise to four haploid cells
  22. When does synapsis occur in Meiosis and what is it?
    • Prophase
    • It is when the four paternal/maternal chromosomes line up to exchange material before dividing
  23. What are the three main differences b/t meiosis and mitosis?
    • 1) Genetic Recombination
    • -Meiosis = synapsis
    • -Mitosis = none
    • 2) Chromosomal Separation
    • -Meiosis = 23 paired sister chromatids (haploid, but 2n)
    • -Mitosis = 46 chromosomes (diploid 2n)
    • 3) Haploid/Diploid resule
    • -Meiosis = 4 haploid daughter cells
    • -Mitosis = 2 diploid daughter cells
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Cell Cycle.txt
Biochem Cell Cycle lecture 4