
  1. What is the definition of denotation?
    Single literal meaning
  2. What is the definition of connotation?
    multiple implied meanings
  3. Give an example of Connotation.
    This my son was dead and is alive again. (The Prodigal Son)
  4. What are the five "I"s of annotation
    • 1. Intense physical description or emotion
    • 2. Indications of scope or comparison/contrast
    • 3. Important repetition
    • 4. Instance of literary devices
    • 5. Indications of theme or meaning
  5. What are some examples of the five "I"s in "The Prodigal Son"?
    • 1. Intense emotion- the father's response
    • 2. Indicates scope- nobody gave him anything
    • 3. Important repetition- father's welcome
    • 4. Literary device- symbol=image
    • 5. Indicates meaning- father's words to son
  6. Define image.
    An intense description of a sensory experience.
  7. What is the definition of image?
    • Sight- visual description
    • sound- auditory description
  8. What is an example of sight imagery?
    • to bend with apples the mossed-covered cottage-trees
    • (To Autumn)
  9. What is a example of sound image?
    season of mists and mellow fruitfulness (To Autumn)
  10. What can not be a symbol?
    • A small player
    • A person
    • A reference to something else in the text
  11. What is a Symbol?
    • A major player
    • an object or figure
    • an item that makes sense as itself
    • an abstract idea that transcends the text
  12. Define Speaker.
    The voice that talks to the reader in the Poem or narrator of a story
  13. Define Audience.
    group the writer is addressing. Tone, style, and purpose is considered when reaching a particular audience.
  14. What are the four "R"s?
    • Right/Wrong
    • Respected/Repulsive
  15. Define theme?
    Universal message about life that incorporates truths, honorable behavior, moral standards, ethical principals, emotional standards
  16. Define Parable.
    Short story with a moral or religious lesson.
  17. Define ambiguity.
    multiple ways to understand a story
  18. Define consonance.
    The repetition of consonant sounds within a line of poetry
  19. Define assonance.
    The repetition of vowel sounds within a line of poetry
  20. Define flat character.
    character about whom little information is provided. Has only one character trait.
  21. Define round character.
    Character that is fully described by the author, multiple character traits.
  22. Define dynamic character.
    Character whom changes throughout the story
  23. Describe Static Characterization.
    A character that stays the same throughout the story
  24. Define dialogue poem.
    A poem in which two or more characters have a conversation or dialog
  25. Define sonnet.
    14 line poem rhymed in iambic pentameter; includes a shift of thought
  26. Define villanelle.
    1st and 3rd lines of the first stanza alternate in subsequent stanzas
  27. Define antagonist.
    A character that cause the protagonist to change through some sort of conflict.
  28. Define protagonist.
    The character in a story the endure some sort of change cause by the antagonist.
  29. Describe Plot, Theme, and Character -based stories.
    Story which is developed by the use of either Plot (The Most Dangerous Game), Theme (Appointment with Love), or Character respectively
  30. Define iamb/trochee
    • Meter that consists of unstressed and stressed syllables
    • Meter that consists of stressed and unstressed syllables
  31. Describe pentameter/hexameter.
    • pentameter is five feet per unit
    • Hexameter is six feet per unit
  32. Define asceticism.
    Way of life in which one renounces the pleasure of life to achieve a higher spiritual life. (The Priest)
  33. Define materialism.
    Lifestyle in which one takes part in material pleasures. (Tartar)
  34. What are the elements of a Plot Diagram?
    • Crisis
    • Rising Action Falling Action
    • Intro; Catalyst Climax; Resolution
  35. Define allusion.
    Brief reference to a person, event, or place. Reference to another work of Art. Causal reference to a famous historical or literary event.
  36. Define tone.
    Attitude the writer takes to a subject or character; i.e. humorous, sarcastic, ironic,
  37. Define Tragedy.
    Story that has a sad ending.
  38. Define Comedy.
    Story with a happy ending.
  39. Define setting.
    The time and place in a fiction.
  40. Define foreshadowing.
    The use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in the story.
  41. Define foil.
    A character that contrasts a second character, therefore highlighting the first characters qualities.
  42. What are the three type of conflicts.
    Man vs Man, Man vs Himself, Man vs Society
  43. Define Genre.
    Category that places like works together.
  44. Define flashback.
    Interrupting action that shows an event that happened at an earlier time which is necessary for better understanding.
  45. Describe The Jungian Shadow
    An unconscious or repressed weakness which acts as the shadow; emphasizes instinct, irrationality; the goal is to embrace the shadow as part of yourself
  46. Define Subplot.
    Small story that occurs in a story aside from the main plot.
  47. Describe hegemony.
    Rule by persuasion, agreement.
  48. Describe direct domination.
    rule by force.
  49. Discuss Hero's Journey.
    • miraculous birth
    • initiation of hero-child
    • withdrawal from family
    • trail and quest
  50. Describe situational ethics.
    Situation in which it is okay to break the law or go against was is consider right for the better good
  51. Describe Hedonism.
    The idea that pleasure of the mind, body, and soul is the sole good in life.
  52. Describe pragmatism.
    The idea that practical consequences are the criteria of knowledge and meaning and value.
  53. Describe idealism.
    The theory that reality is essentially mental or spiritual.
  54. Define Dramatic Irony
    Irony in which the reader know but the character does not know
  55. Define Prop.
    Specific item used to develop character or scene
  56. Define Chorus.
    Commentary in a play used to highlight key ideas
  57. Define Set.
    Collection of props; stage setup for a play
Card Set
Literary terms, Poems, Stories, Ender's Game, Plays