vocab 3.txt

  1. adversary
  2. alienate
    to turn away; to make indifferent or hostile; to transfer, convey [s] separate, drive apart, estrange [a] befriend, attract, captivate, reconcile a'le e nat
  3. artifice
    a skillful or ingenious device; a clever trick; a clever skill [s] ruse, stratagerm, contrivance ar' te fis
  4. coerce
    o compel, force [s] pressure, bully, intimidate, constrain [a] persuade, cajole ko ers'
  5. craven
    cowardly; coward [s] fearful, feint hearted, pusillanimous [a] brave, courageous, valiant kra' ven
  6. culinary
    cooking or kitchen kyu'le ner e
  7. delete
    to erase, wipe out completely, cut off [s] remove, cancel, expunge [a] insert, add, retain, include di let'
  8. demise
    death, especially a person in a lofty position [s] deceit, past away [a] birth, beginning, commencement de miz'
  9. exhilirate
    to enliven, cheer, give spirit or livlieness to [s] stimulate, excite, gladden [a] discourage, dispirit, dishearten, inhibit eg zil' e rat
  10. fallow
    plowed, but not seeded; inactive, reddish yellow, land left unseeded, to plow but not seed [s] unproductive, inert, dormant [a] productive, fertile, prolific fal' o
  11. harass
    to disturb, worry, to trouble by repeated attacks [s] annoy, pester, bedevil, beliger he ras'
  12. inclement
    stormy, harsh, severe in attitude or action [s] blustery, tempestuous, implacible [a] mild, gentile, balmy, tranquil in klem' ent
  13. muse
    to think about in a dremy way, ponder [s] meditate, contemplate, daydream myuze
  14. negligible
    so unimportant that it can be disregarded [s] trivial, inconsequential, insignificant [a] significant, crucial, momentus neg' li gable
  15. perpetuate
    to make permanent or long lasting [s] continue, preserve, prolong indefinently [a] discontinue, abolish,abandon per pech' u at
  16. precedent
    an exaple that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action [s] guide, tradition, model pres' e dent
  17. punitive
    inflicting or aiming at punishment [s] penalizing, retaliatroy pyu' ne tiv
  18. redress
    to set right, remedy, relief from wrong or energy [s] rectify, correct, midigate re dress'
  19. sojourn
    temporary stay, to stay for a time [s] visit, stop over, brief stay so' journ
  20. urbane
    redifined in a manner of style, suave [s] elegant [a] rude, uncouth, boorish er ban'
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vocab 3.txt
vocabulary workshop level e lesson 3