WHAP 13 vocab

  1. petrarch
    • Italian lyric poetand scholar,
    • His collection of poems Canzoniere,
  2. humanism
    “study of the humanities”-Grammar ,Rhetoric,Poetry, Music,History ,Philosophy,Classical Art & Architecture
  3. the war of the roses
    • struggle for the English throne (1455-1485) between the house ofYork
    • (white rose) and the house of Lancaster (red rose)
    • endingwith the accession of the Tudor monarch
    • Henry VII
  4. the habsburgs
    The Habsburg Monarchy (or Habsburg Empire) covered the territories ruled by the junior Austrian branch of the House of Habsburg
  5. cosimo de medici
    ruler of Florence durning the rennisasance and spondered many famous artists
  6. niccolo machiavelli
    author of the prince " love or feared '?
  7. Desiderius Erasmus
    was a Dutch Renaissance humanist and a Catholic priest and theologian.
  8. charles V
    king of France (1364--80) during the Hundred Years' War
  9. peace of Augsburg
    The Peace of Augsburg was a treaty between Charles V and the forces of the Schmalkaldic League, an alliance of Lutheran princest officially ended the religious struggle between the two groups
  10. john calvin
    • sixteenth-century French Protestant theologian and
    • religiousreformer ( see Reformation);
    • the founder of Calvinism.
  11. Act of Supremacy
    Act of Supremacy, (1534) English act of Parliament that recognized Henry VIII as the “Supreme Head of the Church of England.”
  12. Anabaptism
    .a member of any of various 16th century Protestantmovements that rejected infant baptism,
  13. council of trent
    • the council of the Roman Catholic Church that met
    • between 1545and 1563 at Trent in S Tyrol.
    • Reacting against the Protestants,
    • itreaffirmed traditional Catholic beliefs and
    • formulated the idealsof the Counter-Reformation
  14. Ignatius loyola
    • Saint Ignatius of ( Iñigo López de Loyola ), 1491–1556,spanish soldier and ecclesiastic:
    • founder of the Society of Jesus.
  15. Edict of Nantes
    • the law granting religious and civil liberties to the French
    • Protestants, promulgated by Henry IV in 1598
  16. Peace of Westphalia
    the peace treaty that ended the Thirty Years' War in 1648
  17. Jean-Baptiste Colbert
    Jean-Baptiste Colbert (29 August 1619 – 6 September 1683) served as the French minister of finance from 1665 to 1683 under the rule of King Louis XIV
  18. Oliver Cromwell
    • Oliver, 1599–1658, English general, Puritan statesman, and
    • Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland
    • 1653–58.
  19. Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights (a short title) is an act of the Parliament of England, whose title is An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown
  20. Baroque
    • a style of architecture and decorative art that
    • flourishedthroughout Europe from the late 16th to
    • the early 18th centur
  21. Galileo Galilei
    geometric solar sysetm ,italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution
  22. Issac Newton
    • English philosopher andmathematician:
    • formulator of the law of gravitation.
  23. Descartes
    french philosopher and mathematician.
  24. Francis Bacon
    • English scientist and philosopher who is noted for the
    • wide rangeof his knowledge and writing on scientific
    • topics. Bacon pioneeredthe idea that mathematics is
    • fundamental to science and thatexperimentation is
    • essential to test scientific theories.
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WHAP 13 vocab
WHAP 13 vocab