
  1. What is weathering?
    The breakdown of rocks by physical or chemical process
  2. Which type of weathering occurs when rocks are broken in to smaller pieces without changing the chemical composition of the rock?
    Physical weathering
  3. What type of weathering is frost action?
    Physical weathering
  4. This picture of granite bluffs being eroded by water is an example of which type of chemical weathering?
  5. Which choice of the following contains two types of physical weathering?

    C) Exfoliation and frost action
  6. What specific type of weathering is shown in this picture and is that type of weathering chemical or physical?
    frost action / frost wedging, physical
  7. What is the term for when rocks rub or bounce against eachother?

    G) Abrasion
  8. What is the term for the peeling away of large sheets of loosened materials at the surface of a rock?
  9. Physical weathering ________ the size of the rocks it breaks down while _________ the surface area of the sediments

    D) increases, decreasing

    (Physical weathering increases the size of the rocks it breaks down while decreasing the surface area of the sediments)
  10. What type of rocks are most likely to be weathered by exfoliation?

    D) Shale, slate, and mica
  11. What type of weathering has occurred in the picture above?
    Chemical weathering
  12. What type of chemical weathering occurs when oxegyn interacts chemically with minerals?
  13. Which type of chemical weathering must hornblende and feldspar undergo for them to turn into clay?
  14. Karsttopography, sink holes, stalactites and stalagmites are all terms associated with which type of chemical weathering?
  15. Which type of climate is most likely to promote physical / mechanical weathering?

    B) Any type of dry climate
  16. Which is the best example of physical weathering?

    C) The cracking of rock caused by the freezing and thawing of water
  17. What is the general relationship between the depth of a soil formed from underlying bedrock and the length of weathering period responsible for its formation?
    The longer the weathering period, the deeper the soil.
  18. What are the four factors that the type of weathering and the weathering rate are

    1. Exposure to the surface
    2. _____________
    3. ____________
    4. Mineral _______
    • 1. Exposure to the surface
    • 2. Particle size
    • 3. Climate
    • 4. Mineral composition
  19. Why do smaller particles weather faster than larger particles?
    Because you have more surface area with smaller particles (example: granulated sugar breaks dissolves faster than a suger cube)
  20. Why do rocks rich in Calcite and Dolomite weather faster than those rich in Quartz and Feldspars?
    Because of their low hardness (physical) and reaction to acids (chemical)
  21. Rocks on the surface weather _______er than rocks buried deep underground
    Rocks on the surface weather faster than rocks buried deep underground
  22. What type of area is most likely to promote chemical weathering?

    E) Humid
  23. Which of the following is most likely a result of Carbonation?

    D) Sinkhole
  24. _____________ weathering alters the composition of minerals and ____________ weathering does not.

    A) Chemical, physical
    B) Physical, chemical
    A) Chemical, physical
Card Set
Mr. Colon