social studies terms

  1. sargon
    ruler of Akkad conquered neighboring city - states of sumer
  2. Hammurabi
    The king of Babylon, took control of mesopotamia, created the hammurabi code
  3. codify
    to write down laws
  4. civil law
    section of law that dealt with private rights and matter ex businnes contracts, properties, taxes and marriage
  5. criminal law
    section of law that dealt with offenses against others
  6. nebuchadnezzar
    second king of babylon rebuilt the place
  7. the fertile crescent
    fertile area in the middle east where mesopotamia and sumer were located
  8. sumerian contributions
    first civilization, math and science, the wheel, calendar, buildings - ziggurats etc., number system based on 60
  9. cuneiform
    wedge shaped script sumerian form of writing
  10. ziggurat
    temple shaped like a pyramid but with different levels
  11. epic of gilgamesh
    the oldest written story
  12. Hammurabi Code
    first written set of laws based on an eye for an eye
  13. Mesopotamia
    the land between two rivers
  14. Sumerian city states
    Ur Uruk Eridu
  15. forms of writing, telling, recording
    cylinder seal, cuneiform, pictographs
  16. how did Sumerians prosper?
  17. votive figures
    used to represent gods some were bald to protect from lice, hands clasped = immortal
  18. cataract
    water rapids stopped people from using the river for transporation and attacking
  19. delta
    end of the river where it split forming marsh land
  20. dyansty
    family of rulers
  21. pharoah
  22. bureaucracy
    different levels of government
  23. vizier
    highest official serving the king or pharoah
  24. hatshepsut
    the female pharoah
  25. new kingdom pharoahs events
    ahmose brings back egyptian rule

    pharoahs - thutmoses III, Hatshepsut ,Amenhotep, tutankamen, Ramses II, Ramses III
  26. middle kingdom
    • capital is at thebees
    • ruled by invading hyskos
  27. old kingdom
    • age of pyramids capital is at memphis
    • Narmer(Mense) unified egypt
    • eventual decline
  28. the gift of the nile
    rich soil and irrigation(water)
  29. view of after life
    weighed the heart they produced mummies and buried them in tombs
  30. osiris
    god of death
  31. pyramids
    • tombs for the great pharoahs
    • took 20 years to build
    • very precise
  32. hieroglyphics
    ancient egyptian form of writing
  33. barter economy
    exchanged one good for another
  34. money economey
    goods are paid for by a token of an agreed amount
  35. zoroaster
    the persian thinker
  36. colony
    a territory settled and ruled by people from another land
  37. alphabet
    a writing system in which each symbol represents a single basic sound such as a consonant or vowel
  38. mesopotamia
    a region in the fertile crescent meaning between the rivers
  39. sumer
    the world's first civilization in a region in Sumer
  40. hierarchy
    • system of ranking groups
  41. Piankhi
    the 1st black pharoah
  42. bantu
    a west african language
  43. savannah
    a grassy plain
  44. torah
    first five books of the old testament
  45. convenant
    an agreement
  46. Cyrus
    founded the persian empire
  47. Darius I
    built the royal road
  48. Zoroaster
    a persian prophet
  49. Ahura Mazda, Ahriman
    The god of good and the god of evil in zoroastrianism
  50. Tyre
    the main city in Phoenicia
  51. Satrap
  52. desertification
    the growing of deserts
  53. Diaspora
    the spreading of the jewish people
  54. David
    united the twelve tribes of Israel
  55. sub continent
    land projecting out from a continent
  56. plateau
    a raised area of flat land
  57. monsoon
    seasonal winds blowing part of the year summer ones bring water and winter ones bring cold dry air
  58. harrapa and Mohenjo -daro
    the 2 main cities in the Indus Valley Civilization
  59. Veneration
    a special regard for cattle
  60. vedas
    a collection of religious techniques
  61. rajah
    the chief of aryan tribes
  62. indra
    the chief aryan diety
  63. Brahman Nerguna
    a single spiritual power
  64. Mystics
    people who seek direct communication with divine forces
  65. acculturation
    the blending of cultures
  66. sanskrit
    spoken language
  67. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
    creator, preserver, and destroyer indian gods
  68. vaisyas
    lent money, farmed, traded, and took care of land
  69. caste system
    • brahman and kshatriyas - priests warriors and rulers
    • vaisyas - common people merchants, artisans, and farmers
    • sudras - unskilled laborers
    • pariahs - slaves, people who perform unclean tasks(untouchables)
  70. atman
    the essential self
  71. maksha
    a uniun with brahma
  72. reincarnation
    rebirth of a soul in another form
  73. karma
    what you do in your life affects your next life
  74. dharma
    religious + moral duties of a person
  75. ahinsa
    non violence
  76. caste system
    social groups into which people are born and can not be changed only rarely
  77. siddartha guatama
    a reformer
  78. four noble truths
    • all life is sorrow
    • the cause of sorrow is desire
    • we can stop our sorrow by stopping desire
    • the way to do this is the 8fold path
  79. 8fold path
    • right knowledge
    • right mindfulness
    • right intentions
    • right speech
    • right behavior
    • right meditations
    • right effort
    • right livelihood
  80. nirvana
    the final goal - to no longer be reincarnated
  81. sect
    2 sects of Buddhism/groups
  82. upanishads
    philosophical texts of the Hindus
  83. Chandragupta Maurya
    forged the first Indian empire
  84. Dissent
    ideas opposing the governments
  85. asoka
    the most honored maurya emperor
  86. missionary
    people sent on a religious misson
  87. golden age
    period of great cultural achievement
  88. decimal system
    developed by Indians based on 10 digits
  89. joint family
    parents, children, and their offspring all share a common dwelling
  90. dowry
    payment to the groom and finances the wedding
  91. loess
    fine windblown yellow soil
  92. clan
    a group of families who claim a common ancestor
  93. dynastic cycle
    rise and fall of dynasties
  94. feudalism
    was a system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military service and other forms of support to their ruler
  95. confucious
    thinkers who put forth ideas on how to restore order and maintain harmony with nature
  96. laozi
    created daoism main philosophy was yin yang
  97. philosophy
    • system of ideas
    • does not talk about the gods
  98. filial piety
    • respect for parents
    • confucious valued this
  99. oracle bone
    • bones or turtle shells were priests wrote questions for the gods
    • later on used to tell the future
  100. character
    written symbol
  101. calligraphy
    en elegant art form of writing
  102. Shi Huangdi
    the first chinese emperor in 221 B.C.
  103. Wudi
    most famous Han emperor took China to new heights 141 B.C. to 87 B.C.
  104. Monopoly
    • the complete control of a product or businnes by one person or group
    • There was a monopoly of silk
    • the government had a monopoly of Iron and Salt
  105. Expansionism
    expanding a countries territory
  106. Civil Servants
    officials in the government
  107. Warlords
    Local Military Rulers
  108. Acupuncture
    medical treatment with needles
Card Set
social studies terms
midterm terms