Peripheral Vascular

  1. Arterial Disease Symptoms
    • Deep muscle pain, usually in calf, but may be lower leg or dorsum of foot
    • Intermittent claudication, feels like “cramp,” “numbness and tingling,” “feeling of cold”.
    • Throbbing
    • Chronic pain, onset gradual after exertion
    • Aggravated by activity and elevation
    • Relived by dangling and rest
    • Cool pale skin
    • Absence of hair
  2. Venous Disease Symptoms
    • Calf, lower leg
    • Aching, tiredness, feeling of fullness
    • Increases at end of day
    • Relived by elevation
    • Edema, red, warm, swollen leg
    • Coarse, thick skin
  3. ABI (ankle-brachial index)
    • ANKLE systolic pressure
    • BRACHIAL systolic pressure
    • = % ABI

    ABI 90% or less indicates PVD
  4. Allen test
    • Firmly occlude both the ulnar and radial arteries of one hand while the person makes a fist several times. This causes the hand to blanch.
    • Ask the person to open the hand without hyperextending it; then release pressure on the ulnar artery while maintaining pressure on the radial artery.
    • Adequate circulation is suggested by a return to the hand's normal color in approximately 2 to 5 seconds.
  5. Homan's sign
    • Checks for deep vein thrombosis or phlebitis
    • Not definitive
    • Bend knee, dorsiflex foot
    • pain = positive sign
  6. Raynaud's Disease
    • White - arteriospasm, deficit supply of blood
    • Blue - slow relaxation of spasm allowing slow trickle of blood thru capillaries and increased oxygenation
    • Red - return of blood into dilated capillary

    In response to cold, vibrations, or stress. Lasts minutes to hours.
  7. Arteriosclerios - Ischemic Ulcer
    • Buildup of fatty plaques on intima (atherosclerosis) plus hardening and calcification of arterial wall (arteriosclerosis).
    • Ulcers at toes
    • Pale ischemic base
    • No bleeding
    • well-defined edges
    • associated with diabetes
  8. Venous (stasis) ulcer
    • After acute deep vein thrombosis or chronic incompetent valves in deep veins.
    • occur at medial malleolus
    • bleeding
    • uneven edges
    • pulse is present
  9. Deep Vein Thrombophlebitis
    • A deep vein is occluded
    • inflammation
    • cyanosis
    • edema
    • warm
  10. Varicose veins
    • dilated, torturous veins
    • aching, heaviness in calves
    • night leg or foot cramps
    • easily fatigued
  11. Veins
    • drain deoxygenated blood and its waste from tissues and return it back to the heart
    • have a larger diameter and can expand as blood flow increases
    • lie closer to skin surface than arteries
  12. Arteries
    • supply oxygen and essential nutrients to tissues
    • walls are strong, tough, and tense
    • contain elastic fibers
  13. Ischemia
    deficient supply of oxygenated blood to a tissue caused by obstruction of a vessel
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Peripheral Vascular