the kind of democratic politics created by the use of a single member district electoral system
adversial democracy
a legal system in which an independent judge hears arguments presented by two opposing sides before rendering a decision
adversial system
individuals, groups, and instutitions--such as family, schools, churches, or labor unions--transmit political values to each generation
agents of political socialization
the distrbution of a societys wealth among its memobers
allocation of resources
the opposition to governtments in all forms. the advocates of this ideaology believe that government is unneceessary and inevitably harmful and divisive and that people would coexist peacefully without it
appellate courts
non democratic government that exercises extensive control or authority over society
authoritarian systems
a body of law that supersedes other laws
basic law
an approach to political research that emphasizes observations of individual political behavior as contrasted with approaches that focus on political documents and laws
an ordering of opinions and attitudes held together by some broader ideological theme or pattern
belief system
the process of forming a proposal for a governments budget
budget formation
the government organization usually staffed with officials selected on the basic expertise and experience that implement public policy
a person working for the public sector who is appointed on the basic of training and experience
personal appeal of an electoral candidate. candidate evaluation may be positive or negative
candidate evaluation
an ideology advocating private property and minimal governtment
parties that try to appeal to a wide range of social classes and groups hence have a relatively poorly defined policy program or ideaology
catchall parties
the ability to evoke allegiance and loyalty from citizens or subordinates by virtue of image, speaking skills and generation of emotional responces
charismatic authority
an individual who manages and corrdinates the impllementation of programs through administrative agencies
chief administrator
political parties and their supporters who profess a political doctrine usually linked to the catholic church
christian democrats
the practice of involving citizens in the bureaucratic decision making process
citizen participation
the body of law pertaining to efforts by private parties to gain compensation for injuries inflicted by other pricate parties
civil law
body of political philosophy based on the ideas of plato and aristotle, associated with a distrust of democracy and efforts to envision the just state
classical political philosophy
the authority that a leader enjoys by virtue of possessing the power to force compliance with his or her demands
coercive authority
set of principles developed centuries ago by british courts in efforts to establish a basic code of fairness for situations in which no statutory law applied
common law
"marxist ideology" in this stage, societys productive capacity is so undeveloped that each person must consume everything he or she produces to survive, making slavery or other forms of exploitation economically impractical
the stage in marxist ideology in which "true" human history begins; in this stage technological development has advanced to the point at which scarcity of resources no longer exists and there is no class conflcit or exploitation
citizens tend to agree on basic political procedures as well as values and general goals of the politcal system
consensual cultures
highly polarized by fundamnetal differences over those issues
conflictual cultures
an approach to political life that sees traditional values as important in solving social problems (Edmund Burke)
irregular, nonconstitutional removal of head of state by a small group; usually the military
Coup d'Etat
body of law pertaining to the prosecution and punishment of those accused of crimes
criminal law
the person accused of a crime or sued by a plaintiff
a system of government by the "citizens"
a movement in public policy most widespread in the US and Great Britain in the 1980s that involved removing or reducing regulations on private sector activity
communications and negotiations among the national leaders regarding matters of foreign policy
idea that economic forces govern change in the nature of societies
economic determinism
approach to international political economoy that focuses on importance of national interest and power
economic nationalism
approach to international political economy associated with marxist-leninist thinking' emphasizes persistent economic inequalitites separating poor and rich countries and focuses on how state economic systems produce a structure of dependency and inequality
economic structuralism
the idea that a single generally unified elite dominates society
elite theory
effort by a chief executive to initiate, coordinate, and energize government activities in a time of crisis
emergency leadership
ideology that emphasizes extreme appeals to national unity, hatred of foreigners and ethnic minorities and complete obedience to the state
idealogy that advocates equal rights for females
second stage in marxist ideology; land ownership becomes basis for political power and farm workers are exploited by those who own land
beauricratic principle holding that agency officals should have clearly established areas of activity or specialization making it possible to determine who is responsible for any given decision or program
fixed jurisdictions
individual who enjoys benefits of collective effort without contributing to it
free rider
differene between men as a group and woman as a group with respect to some specific criterion
gender gap
generation of young people who were born in the last two decades of the 20th centurary
generation Y
the people or organizations that make, enforce, and implement political decisions for society
basic tasks that governments perform in healthy developed political systems
government functions
group of citizens who determine whether there is sufficeint evidence to charge a person with a crime
grand jury
political or social system in which people have clearly understood ranks, from a governing elite down to the lowest ranks of society
bureucratic principle holding that clear lines of super and subordinate status should exist in organizations
principle that all people are entitled to certain fundamental freedoms and privelages
human rights
approach to internationals relations holding that wars are caused by evil and ignorance and that they can be avoided by nurturing a spirit of international community and justice
more or less coherent system of political thinking. a vision of society as it should be
measure of how low a society is shared among its members
income distribution
way of thinking that emphasizes individual interest, needs, and rights in contrast to social or communal interests needs and rights
(ICT) wide range of new electronic information and communication innovations including internet, podcasts, text msg, etc
information and communicaiton technology
process of expressing concerns and problems as demands for government action
interest articulation
organization that attempts to influence public policy in a specific area of importance to its members
interest group
body of laws consisting of treaties and traditionally recognized rights and duties pertaining to relations among states
international law
idea that interest groups, legislatives committees, and bureaucracies in a gives policy area engage in continuing interaction and they act together to perpetuate policies and programs resisting change and control
iron triangles
extremely devout movement within the islamic religion whose members believe in a traditional and litteral interpretation of the quaran
islamic fundamentalist
principle holding judges should follow their own values deciding how to interrpret statutes and provisions of basic law
judicial activism
principle holding that judges should be reluctant to overturn legislative or executive laws and decisions
judicial restraint
power of courts to overturn or void actions of laws that they feel are unlawful and unfair
judicial review
quality of being righteous, fair, and deserved
process through which a political system attracts its leadership
leadership recruitment
policy stressing tolerance for divers lifestyles and opinions and demanding public assistance for those in need
ideaology with minimum government and maximum individual liberty
efforts by groups or individuals to influence public officals through formal and informal contacts with thim
apporach to international political economy holding that states pursue their national interests in making international economic policies, especially those pertaining to trade
problems and issues not addressed by a political system
non decisions
nuclear war is so horrible that nations avoid it
nuclear terror
idea that parlimanet enjoys soverign power
parliamentary supremacy
citizens sense of attachment to a political party
party identification
practice of selecting buraurcratic officials on basis of hteir political support for elected officals with power to appoint them
political party whose primary purpose is to futher the politcal career of one person, the leader
personalistic party
person who brings a legal action against another person in a civil suit
idea that there are many centers of political power in society
idea that nations become modern by acquiring certain capacities and capabilites
political development
pattern of individual attitudes and oreintations toward politcs among the members of a political system
political culture
study of impact of government on economic conditions including analysis of alternative public policies and different system of governemnt
political economy
organization that unites people in an effort to win government office and therby influence or control government policy
political party
process of making collective decisions in a community society or group through the application of influnce of power
distinctive set of political orientations common to many individuals in industrial democracies who ewre politically socialized during the era of postwar affluence
advocates of this can be found in many disciplines. it is a reaction to wat its advocates see as excessive faith in certainty and objectivity of scientific method
approach to political theory distinguished by its application of economic principles particularly assumption that indiciduals seek thier own interest in making political decisions
rational choice
authority that a leader enjoys when his or her actions are consistent with established legal principles
approach to international realations that emphasize the role of national interest in explaining causes of war and conflict
process of redrawing bounderies of legislative districts
the process of applying governments rules to individual cases
rule adjudication
parties that are more likely to support existing political and economic systems and defend traditional values such as relgion
right wing political parties
process of implementing or carrying out policy decisions
rule execution
process of establishing laws, orders, edicts, regulations, and other authoritative acts by government
rule making
electoral system with one representive in legislature "winner take al"
single member districts
fourth and final stage of "prehistory" in Marxist ideaology; state is governed in the interests of the workers
the body of law created by acts of the legislature
statutory law
a form of authoritarian government in which the government exercises near total control over all forms of political activity and organized societal activity
totalitarian goveernment
authority that derives from a leaderships emboidment of long standing widely accepted social and political conditions
traditional authority
2 basic levels of courts in most judicial systems
trial and appelate courts
arrangement of public services to provide a basic standard of living to all members of society who dont have money
welfare state