Simple stains Basic
Methylene Blue, Safranin, Crystal Violet, or Malachite Green
Simple Stains Acidic
Eosin, Congo Red or Nigrosine
Gram Stain
- Differential Stain
- Crystal Violet, Iodine, Alcohol, Safranin
Capsule Stain
Congo Red, India Ink, Crystal Violet
Endospore Stain
- Bacillus, Clostridium
- Malachite Green, Steam, Safranin
Acid-Fast Stain
- Mycobacterium (TB, Leprae)
- Red = +
- Blue = -
- Use:
- Motility tube = Red stab
- SIM tube - cloudiness around stab
H2S Production
- SIM tube = Black around stab
- KIA = Black precipitate
Oxygen Requirements
- Thioglcycolate Tube
- Aerobes grow at the top
- Microaerophiles in middle
- Facultative Anaerobes throughout
- Anaerobes below the Oxidized layer
UV Light
Agar plate and look for growth after exposer
Kirby-Bauer Method
- Muellar Hinton Agar plate
- + large zone of inhibition
- - sm or no zone of inhibition
Bile Esculin Hydrolysis
- For group D strep (faecalis)
- Black color around growth= +
- - = no growth
Phenol Red Carb Fermentation
- Glucose, Lactose, Mannitol
- = yellow and bubble in tube for gas production
Methyl Red
- Enterics
- MR-VP tube
- add methyl red dye and turns red
- Enterics
- Add Reagent A and B
- + = pink or red color
Nitrate reduction
- Enterics
- Nitrate Broth
- Add test reagents A and B
- + = red through out tube
Oxidase Production
- TSA plate
- add oxidase reagent
- + = blue or purple in 30sec
Staphylococcus ID
- S. Aureus = MSA yellow clear Blood Agar
- S. Epidermidis =MSA pink
Streak-Stab Agar Plate
Strept ID
- S. pyogenes = inhibition around A disk
- S. pneumonia = inhibition around P disk
- S. agalactiae = inhibition around CAMP
Starch Hydrolysis
- Bacillus
- Starch agar plate
- clear growth around it
- SIM, TSB, Tyrpotone Broth
- add Kovac's reagents
- + = red layer at top
Urea Hydrolysis
- Urea Broth
- Phenol red in broth turns red or pink
- All are rods
- Enterbacteriaceae
- Yellow = Acid
- Red = Base
- All are rods
- Enterobacteriaceae
- GRM + Rod
- TSA Catalase + Starch agar +
- GRM - Rod
- MAC/EMB, KIA, Urea
- GRM + Rod
- TSA in anaerobic Jar
- Catalase -
- Clostridium and bacillus
- Blood agar, Starch, TSA
- GRM - diplococcus
- chocolate agar
- GRM - rod
Staph aureus
- GRM + Coccus
- Blood Agar beta
- MSA= yellow
Staph epidermidis
- GRM + coccus
- Blood agar no hemolysis
- MSA pink or white
Strep pyogenes
- GRM + Coccus chain
- Blood Agar beta hemolysis
- A disk sensitive
E. coli
- GRM - Rod single
- EMB green
- MAC pink
Enterbacter aerogenes
- GRM - rod single
- EMB dark pigment
- MAC pink
Klebsiella pneumonia
- GRM - Rod single
- EMB(KIA IMViC) Dark pig
- MAC pink
- GRM - Rod single
- EMB (KIA IMViC) colorless
- MAC colorless