Military Science Final

  1. How many Troop Leading Procedures are there?
  2. What are the Troop Leading Procedures
    • 1. Receive the Mission
    • 2. Issue a Warming Order
    • 3. Make a Tentative Plan
    • 4. Start Necessary Movement
    • 5. Recon
    • 6. Complete the Plan
    • 7. Issue the Complete Order
    • 8. Supervise and Follow through
  3. What does METT-TC Stand for?
    • Mission
    • Enemy
    • Terrain
    • Troops and support
    • Time Available
    • Civilian Considerations
  4. What are the different type of orders?
    • warning order
    • operation order
    • fragmentary order
  5. What does PIR stand for
    Priority Intelligence Requirement
  6. What Does CCIR Stand for?
    Commander's Critical Information Requirments
  7. List the 5 Major terrain feature
    Hill, Valley, Ridge, Saddle, Depression
  8. What are the three Minor Terrain features?
    Draw, Cliff, Spur
  9. What are the Two Supplemental Terrain Features?
    Cut, Fill
  10. How do you read a protractor when determining a grid coordinate?
    Read Right and Up
  11. What are the color of a military map? What do they represent?
    • green- Vegetation
    • blue- Water
    • black- Man Made features
    • brown- elevation, contour intervals
    • red- highways
    • red-brown - elevation on a red illuminated map
  12. How can an order be communicated?
    written, oral, signal
  13. How many paragraphs are in an Opord and what are they?
    • 5 Paragraphs
    • Situation
    • Mission
    • Execution
    • Sustainment
    • Command and Control
  14. What are the five areas of emphasis that pertain to Warrior Tasks?
    • Shoot
    • Move
    • Communicate
    • Survive
    • Adapt
  15. What is the purpose of a Frago?
    Changes a previous order, or presents material extracted from a more detailed order
  16. What are five triggers for Suicide?
    • Loss of Spouse
    • Loss of Job or Rank
    • Loss of Child in custody battle
    • Legal Action
    • Incarceration
  17. What does ACE stand for?
    • Ammunition
    • Casualty
    • Equipment
  18. Define leadership
    Influencing people to provide purpose, direction and motivation, while operating to accomplish the mission and improve the organization
  19. What is Empathy
    The ability to relate and understand someones feelings and concerns
  20. What is the purpose of a Patrol base?
    Establish base operations for security, Recon, and Attack Missions
  21. What are some considerations when occupying a Patrol Base?
    • Cover and Concealment
    • Water Source
    • Security Concerns
    • OAKOC
  22. What are the planning considerations of setting up a Patrol Base?
    • Organization of essential elements i.e. Aid/Liter or EPW
    • Initial Planning and Coordination
    • Complete the Plan
    • Departure from Friendly Lines
    • Rally Points
    • Leader's Recon
    • Reenter Friendly Lines
    • Debriefing
  23. What are priorities of work used for? Name some.
    • Establish smooth and safe operation of Patrol Base
    • Security
    • Alert Plan
    • Withdraw Plan
    • Maintenance Plan
    • Sanitation and personal hygiene
    • Mess Plan
    • Water resupply
  24. What on a map shows the angular relationship of true north to grid and magnetic north?
    declination diagram
  25. What are some things you should do when terrain associating during land navigation?
    • Identify Terrain features on a map
    • Orientate the map to Terrain
    • Identify Vegetation
    • Identify Water
  26. What does OAKOC stand for?
    • Observations
    • Avenue of Approach
    • Key Terrain
    • Obstacles
    • Civilian Considerations
  27. What is a Patrol?
    detachment sent out by an unit to conduct specific recon, combat or security missions
  28. What element consists of the PL, RTO, PSG or ASL?
    Headquarters element
  29. What element is the Combat Patrols decisive element?
    Assault element
  30. What element isolate the objective, preventing them from entering or leaving the objective area?
    Security Element
  31. How should you plan for a Patrol?
    • backwards departing friendly lines
    • forward to reentry of friendly lines
  32. What is a Rally Point?
    easily identifiable point on the ground at which you can reassemble and reorganize upon becoming dispersed
  33. What does GOTWA stand for?
    • G- Where are you going
    • O- Others taking along
    • T- Time expected to be gone
    • W- What to do if you don't return
    • A- Actions to take upon contact with enemy, and your actions you will take upon contact while away
  34. What is an Alert Plan?
    Plan of security, establishes stand-to time for day and night
  35. How is the Alert Pan implemented?
    • PL establishes it
    • APL supervises it
  36. Name four types of offensive operations and all types of attacks.
    Movement to Contact, attack, exploitation, and pursuit

    Attacks: Hasty attacks, Deliberate Attack, Special-Purpose Attack, Spoiling Attack, Counterattack, Raid, Ambush, Feint and Demonstration
  37. What are the Army Values?
    • Loyalty
    • Duty
    • Respect
    • Selfless Service
    • Honor
    • Integrity
    • Personal Courage
  38. What are the Warrior Ethos?
    • I will always place the mission first.
    • I will never accept defeat.
    • I will never quit.
    • I will never leave a fallen comrade.
  39. What is Composite Risk Management?
    Army decision making process in which Hazards and risks are identified and controlled across the full spectrum of Army Missions, Functions, Operations, and Activities.
  40. Name the steps of Composite Risk Management.
    • Identify the Hazards
    • Assess the Hazards
    • Develop Controls and Make Decisions
    • Implement Controls
    • Supervise and Evaluate
Card Set
Military Science Final
Land Nav, Troop Leading Procedures, OP Order Format, Warrior Ethos, Army Values, Army Acronyms