Eye Assessment

  1. Strabismus
    • Strabismus is a disorder of the eye in which the optic axes cannot be directed to the same object
    • cross-eyed
  2. Diplopia
    Double Vision
  3. Lacrimation and epiphoria are due to irritants in the eye. What are Lacrimation and epiphoria?
    • Lacrimation is tearing
    • epiphoria is excessive tearing
  4. What is Glaucoma?
    Increased ocular pressure
  5. What is the chart called to test visual acuity?
  6. If a person has 20/30 vision, What does the numerator mean? The denomonator?
    • numerator: distance person was standing from the chart (20 ft)
    • Denomonator: distance at which a normal eye could read that number
  7. presbyopia
    decrease in accommodation when aging
  8. What can cause defects in color vision?
    • Disease of the optic nerve
    • macular degeneration
    • nutritional deficiency
    • heredity
  9. What is the peripheral vision test called?
    Confrontation test
  10. Pupils of 2 different sizes iscalled what?
    What is this usually from?
    • Anisorcoria
    • usually from a head trauma
  11. What is the accomodation test?
    • test for ability of pupils to adjust to various distances. (We are looking for constriction and convergence)
    • Ask person to focus on a distant object. Then have person shift gaze to a near object, such as examiner’s finger held about 3 inches from the nose.
  12. Documentation for all eye maneuvers is PERRLA
    Pupils Equal Round React to Light Accomodation
  13. Asymmetry of the light reflex indicates What?. If you see this, What test should be performed?
    deviation in alignment from eye muscle weakness or paralysis
  14. The 6 cardinal fields of gaze tests what? And which cranial nerves? And what is an abnormality that we talked about in class with this test?
    • ExtraOcular eye movemens
    • III, IV, VI
    • nystagmus
  15. What are 3 normal changes in the older adult's vision
    • Pupils become smaller
    • Presbyopia (decrease in accommodation)
    • Arcus Senillus (White arc or circle around limbus due to deposition of lipids)
  16. What 2 types of patients should have annual eye exams to decrease their risk of serious eye conditions like blindness?
    • Diabetes pt
    • Hypertension pt
  17. Protruding Eyeballs are called?
  18. Another term for constricted pupils is
  19. Another term for dialated pupils is
  20. Another term for nearsightedness:
  21. OD; OS
    • OD is right eye
    • OS is left eye
  22. Ptosis:
    drooping of the upper eyelid over the iris
Card Set
Eye Assessment