Reproductive 4

  1. Image Upload 2
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    fundus of uterus
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    fundus of uterus
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    germinal epithelium
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    graafian follicle
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    infundibulum of uterine tube
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    internal os
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    internal os
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    internal os
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    internal os
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    isthmus of uterine tube
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    labia majora
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    labia majora
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    labia majora
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    labia minora
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    labia minora
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    labia minora
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    lactiferous duct opening
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    lactiferous duct
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    lactiferous duct
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    lactiferous sinus
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    lactiferous sinus
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    what layer?
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  29. A boy not passing through puberty and anterior pituitary is injured. FSH is not released anymore but LH is normal. After the boy is mature what would happen?
    he would be sterile
  30. when does DNA replicate?
    meiosis 1
  31. At the time of birth the ovaries contain what?
    only primary oocytes
  32. oogonia?
    ova that develops from stem cells
  33. when is the first meiotic division complete?
    jsut prior to ovulation
  34. waht moves sperm along ductus deferens?
    peristaltic contractions
  35. when does oogenesis begin in females
    before birth
  36. what is tunica vaginalis?
    peice of peritoneum descending with testes into scrotal sac allowing for easy movement of testes
  37. what helps to move oocyte into and through uterine tube?
    • peristalsis
    • cilia
    • fimbriae
  38. structures found in spermatic cord?
    • spermatic vessels
    • nerves
    • lympahtic vessels
    • ductus deferens
  39. long term compression of spermatic artery and vein results in what?
    • decrease blood flow to testes
    • sterility
    • impotence
    • decrease blood level of testosterone
  40. Image Upload 58
    mammary duct
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    mammary duct
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    mons pubis
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    mons pubis
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    ovarian ligament
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    what is happening in this stage?
    what is happening in this stage? ovulation
  52. Image Upload 82
Card Set
Reproductive 4
reproductive anatomy and function