Micro lab final

  1. In 1993 a large number of people in Milwaukee fell ill in what has been the largest epidemic inthe modern United States.

    The disease was spread via the ___________________.
    The cause of the disease was ___________________.
    • water born
    • cryptosperidium
  2. The symptoms were:
    • nausea
    • cramping
    • vommitting
    • diarheea
  3. All those who died were (had)
    Immunocompromised elderly and young
  4. What is a parasite?
    organism living on or in another organism causing harm or no benifit
  5. Parasites are similar to the host in having
    complex structures similar to humans
  6. Parasites can be classified into three groups
    • singular cells simple plasmodium
    • multicellular large worms
    • extoparasties misquitos
  7. There are three types of worms
    • round
    • flat worms non segmented and segmented
    • tapeworms
  8. How are we infected with parasites?
    • eating
    • sexual intercourse
    • drinking water
    • anthropod victims
  9. Lymphatic Filariasis, also known as Elephantiasis has infected 120 million peopleworldwide, with about 40 m severely incapacitated by the diseasea.
    The disease is caused by _________________.
    The vector is ________________.
    • round worm
    • misquito
  10. Lymphatic Filariasis, also known as Elephantiasis has infected 120 million peopleworldwide, with about 40 m severely incapacitated by the disease
    The most obvious symptom is __1___caused by__2___ The disease is difficult to diagnose because __3__
    The symptoms become apparent at _4_
    and cannot be_5_ at this stage.
    • 1swelling
    • 2worms in the lymphatic system causing fluid buildup
    • 3silent
    • 4puberty
    • 5treated
  11. The increase in incidence of parasitic diseases in the United States is mainly attributed to_________
    imported foods
  12. Eating improperly prepared sushi puts one at risk for contracting a fish parasite.a. What is the name of the disease? ____________________. How should fish for sushi be handled to prevent the spread of this parasitic worm?
    • aniksakiasis
    • dont warm fish before putting on ice worms will tavel to meat and then be consumed
  13. Tapeworms are parasitic flatworms and there is one that corresponds with each type of meatthat is ingested.a. Beef: ____
    Fish: ____
    Pork: ___
    • Taenia saginata
    • Diphyllobotrium latum
    • Taenia solium
  14. The tapeworm contracted from pork is the most important tapeworm in the U.S.
    a. What disease is the pork tape worm associated with? ______________________
    b. The disease is the leading cause of _____________ in children
    .c. What stage of the pork tapeworm causes the disease? ______________
    d. What part of the body do they infect? _________________
    • a Neurocysticercosis
    • b Epilepsy
    • c larve
    • d neural tissue
  15. One of the most common parasites in the US is _______________________
    .a. It is spread via contaminated _____________
    b. The ___________ stage of the parasite can survive __________________ of water.
    • Giardia lamblia
    • a water
    • b cyst chlorination
  16. Guinea worm disease is a waterborne disease of the tropics
    a. The intermediate host is a freshwater crustacean, _____________.
    b. The guinea worm resides in________ tissue.
    c. The worm is removed by ____________
    .d. If the worm breaks during extraction then the patient experiences______, ____ and_____
    • a cyclops
    • b subcutaneous
    • c wraping worm around stick slowly removing
    • d anaphalaxis skin loss
    • scaring bacterial infection
  17. Schistosomiasis is endemic to Africa and Asia.
    a. The intermediate host is _______.
    b. The cercariae enter the human host by________.
    c. Once in the human host, they live in the __________.
    • a snail
    • b foot skin disolving enzyme
    • c blood stream
  18. What is the cause and what are the symptoms of Pharaoh’s curse? What is another name forthe condition?
    parasites in bladder wall blood in urine male mensturation
  19. River blindness is an irreversible condition also called_________
    .a. River blindness is caused by _______ spread by_____.
    b. The vector breeds in ________
    .c. Blindness results from the _______ of the eye caused by __________.
    • Onchocerciasis
    • a round worm black fly
    • b fast turning water
    • c microcalcification microflaria
  20. What is the deadliest of parasites? ___________.
    a. The disease that it causes is __________.
    b. The vector is _________.
    c. The most effective pesticide to control (a) was ___________ but it is no longer usedbecause of____________.
    • plasmodium falciparium
    • a malaria
    • b female anapholes misquito
    • c DDT toxic
  21. The strategies to prevent parasitic diseases are
    • a. __elimiate vector.
    • b. control vector_.
    • c. _vaccine_.
  22. Successful prevention programs include
    a. Guinea worms: _______.
    b. Cryptosporidium: ________.
    • flitering out water flea
    • water treatment plants
  23. What is the benefit of biological control methods in the prevention and control of parasiticinfections?
    parasites at war with one another not harmful to enviroment
  24. A vaccine against malaria is being developed. Describe the strategy
    anopholes misquito are exposed to radiation then bite human the human is not harmed but develops immunity to weakend plasmodium
  25. Infection with many parasites does not confer long term immunity because ….?
    antigen changes depending on life cycle
  26. Parasites are difficult to study because ____________ and__________ thereforebiochemical and genetic analyses cannot be easily performed.
    • hard to maintain in lab
    • hard to have large numbers
  27. A scientist who studies parasites is a _____.
  28. What is a vector?
    transmit and facilitates disease from one to another
Card Set
Micro lab final
parasite lab micro 120