A&P Chapter 15 - Autonomic Nervous System

  1. autonomic nervous system
    • regulates activity of smooth muscle, cardiac, and muscle glands
    • 2 neurons and a ganglion
    • 2 neurotransmitters: Ach and Ne
    • 2 divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic
  2. ganglion
    • mass of nervous tissue that contains cell bodies
    • located outside of CNS
  3. preganglionic neuron
    neuron before the ganglion
  4. postganglionic neuron
    neuron after the ganglion
  5. sympathetic nervous system
    • emergency - fight or flight
    • handles situations out of homeostasis
    • rapid breathing, dry mouth, increased HR, bladder contraction, increased BP, decreased digestion, dilated pupils

  6. thoracolumbar outflow
    • origin of SNS
    • between T1 and L2 vertebrae
    • ganglion close to CNS
  7. prevertebral ganglion
    ganglion in front of the spinal cord
  8. paravertebral ganglion
    ganglion on sides of spinal cord
  9. preganglionic axon in SNS
    • short, thick, myelinated
    • releases Ach
    • many collaterals (makes SNS effects widespread)
  10. postganglionic axon in SNS
    • long, thin, unmyelinated
    • releases Ne
  11. parasympathetic nervous system
    • housekeeping - feed and breed
    • opposite of SNS effects (normals)

  12. cranialsacral outflow
    • origin of PSNS
    • cranial nerves 3, 7, 9, 10, and S2-S4 vertebrae
    • 90% originate at vagus nerve (X)
  13. terminal ganglion
    • PSNS ganglion
    • always near effector
  14. preganglionic axon in PSNS
    • long, thick, myelinated
    • releases Ach
  15. postganglionic axon in PSNS
    • short, thin, unmyelinated
    • releases Ach
  16. cholinergic fibers
    • fibers that release Ach
    • short lived effects - deactivated by Acetylcholinesterase
  17. adrenergic fibers
    • fibers that release Ne
    • long lasting effects - Ne enters blood and takes long to be absorbed
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A&P Chapter 15 - Autonomic Nervous System
A&P Chapter 15 - Autonomic Nervous System