Drug Info Final 3

  1. Define absolute risk:
    The chance that an unfavorable event will occur.
  2. How do you calculate absolute risk?
    • # who experienced outcome
    • # who could've experienced outcome
  3. What is the absolute risk of being sick from eating fish?
    30 people ate dinner
    10 people ate fish
    8 became ill who ate fish
    8/10 = 0.8
  4. Define relative risk:
    Considers the absolute risk of exposure group to the non-exposure group.
  5. How do you calculate relative risk?
    • Absolute risk ratio for exposure group
    • Absolute risk ratio for non-exposure group
  6. What is the relative risk of getting sick from eating dinner?
    10 ate fish, 20 did not
    8 became ill who ate fish, 3 became ill who did not
    0.8/0.15 = 5.3
  7. Interpret a relative risk of 5.3 as it applies to getting sick from eating fish at dinner.
    People who ate fish were 5.3 times AS LIKELY to become ill than those who did not eat fish at dinner.
  8. Define absolute risk reduction (ARR):
    The difference between two absolute risks.
  9. 7 out of 100 pts on DRUG A went blind.
    11 out of 100 pts on DRUG B went blind.
    What is the absolute risk reduction?
  10. Interpret an absolute risk reduction of -0.04 as it applies to becoming blind on DRUG A compared to DRUG B.
    The risk of becoming blind was 4% less for those taking DRUG A as compared to those taking DRUG B.
  11. Define relative risk reduction (RRR):
    The difference between 2 absolute risks over the risk of the control group.
  12. 7 out of 100 pts on DRUG A went blind.
    11 out of 100 pts on DRUG B went blind.
    What is the relative risk reduction?
    • 0.7-0.11 = 0.36
    • 0.11
  13. Interpret a relative risk reduction of 0.36 as it applies to becoming blind on DRUG A compared to DRUG B.
    Compared to DRUG B, DRUG A reduced the risk of blindness by 36%.
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Drug Info Final 3
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