Skin, Hair, & Nails

  1. Alopecia
    baldness; hair loss
  2. Annular
    circular shape to skin lesion
  3. Bulla
    • elevated cavity containing free fluid larger than 1 cm in diameter
    • plural: bullae
  4. Confluent
    skin lesions that run together
  5. Crust
    thick, dried-out exudate
  6. Cyanosis
    • BLUE color to skin or mucous membranes due to increased amount of unoxygenated hemoglobin
  7. Erosion
    scooped out, shallow depression in skin
  8. Erythema
    REDNESS of skin due to excess blood in dilated superficial capillaries, as in fever or inflammation
  9. Excoriation
    self-inflicated abrasion on skin due to scratching
  10. Fissure
    linear crack in skin extending into dermis
  11. Furuncle
    • boil
    • suppurative inflammatory skin lesion due to infected hair follicle
  12. Hemangioma
    skin lesion due to benign proliferation of blood vessels in the dermis
  13. Iris
    target shape of skin lesion
  14. Jaundice
    yellow color to skin, palate, and sclera due to excess bilirubin in the blood
  15. Keloid
    hypertrophic scar, elevated beyond site of injury
  16. Lichenification
    • tightly packed set of papules that thickens skin
    • from prolonged intense scratching
  17. Lipoma
    benign, fatty tumor
  18. Maceration
    softening of tissue by soaking
  19. Nevus
    • mole
    • circumscribed skin lesion due to excess melanocytes
  20. Macule
    flat skin lesion with only a color change
  21. Nodule
    • elevated skin lesion
    • greater than 1 cm in diameter
  22. Papule
    • palpable skin lesion
    • less than 1 cm in diameter
  23. Pallor
    excessively pale
  24. Plaque
    skin lesion in which papules coalesce or come together
  25. Pruritus
  26. Purpura
    red-purple skin lesion due to blood in tissues from breaks in blood vessels
  27. Pustule
    elevated cavity containing thick turbid fluid
  28. Scale
    compact desicatted flakes of skin from shedding of dead skin cells
  29. Telangiectasia
    skin lesion due to permanently enlarged and dilated blood vessels that are visible
  30. Ulcer
    sloughing of necrotic inflammatory that causes a deep depression into skin, extending into dermis
  31. Vesicle
    elevated cavity containing free fluid up to 1 cm in diameter
  32. Wheal
    raised red skin lesion due to interstitial fluid
  33. Zosteriform
    linear shape of skin lesion along a nerve route
  34. What is the best description for the secretion of eccrine glands?

    C. dilute saline solution
  35. Nevus is the medical term for:

    A. mole
  36. To assess for early jaundice, you will assess:

    D. sclera and hard palate
  37. Checking skin temperature is best accomplished by using:

    C. dorsal surface of hands
  38. Skin turgor is assessed by picking up a large fold of skin on the anterior chest under the clavicle. This is done to determine the presence of:

    A. dehydration
  39. You note a lesion during an examination. Select the description that is most complete.

    C. dark brown, raised lesion, with irregular border, on dorsum of right foot, 3 cm with no drainage
  40. You examine the nail beds for clubbing. The normal angle between the nail base and the nails is:

    B. 160 degrees
  41. The capillary beds should refill after being depressed in:

    A. 1-2 seconds
  42. During a routine visit, a 78 year old patient asks about small, round, flat, brown macules on the hands. Your best response after examining the areas is:

    C. "These are the result of sun exposure and do not require treatment."
  43. An area of thin, shiny skin with decreased visibility of normal skin is called:

    C. atrophy
  44. ABCDE stands for?
    • A - asymmetry
    • B - border irregularity
    • C - color variation
    • D - diameter greater than 6 mm
    • E - elevation or enlargement
  45. Flattening of the angle between the nail and its base is:

    C. described as clubbing
  46. The configuration for individual lesions arranged in circles or arcs, as occurs with ringworm, is called

    B. annular
  47. A risk factor for melanoma is:

    C. skin that freckles or burns before tanning
  48. Cutaneous anthrax:

    C. is completely curable with antibiotic treatment
  49. Match each description with the epidermis, dermis, or subcutaneous layer.

    basal cell layer
    aids in protection by cushioning
    adipose tissue
    uniformly thin
    stratum corneum
    elastic tissue
    • Epidermis: basal cell layer, stratum corneum, uniformly thin
    • Dermis: collagen, elastic tissue
    • Subcutaneous layer: aids in protection by cushioning, adipose tissue,
  50. Harlequin
    lower half of body turns red, upper half blanches
  51. Cafe au lait spot
    • large round or oval patch of light brown usually present at birth
    • "coffee with milk"
  52. Erythema toxicum
    tiny, punctate red macules and papules on the cheeks, trunk, chest, back, and buttocks
  53. Acrocyanosis
    bluish color around the lips, hands, fingernails, pigmentation, and feet and toenails
  54. Cutis marmorata
    • transient mottling on trunk and extremities
    • response to cooler temperature
    • forms reticulated red or blue pattern on skin
  55. Physiologic jaundice
    yellowing of skin, sclera, and mucous membranes due to an increased number of red blood cells hemolyzed after birth
  56. Carotenemia
    yellow-orange color in light-skinned people from large amounts of food containing carotene
Card Set
Skin, Hair, & Nails