History Final

  1. manifest destiny
    • Americans thought they had the God given right
    • to expand their superior civilization
  2. reason for the texas revolution
    mexico had become a dictatorship
  3. Stephen F. Austin
    Most successful empresario in Texas
  4. war with mexico (why it started)
    it started because mexican troops crossed the rio grande and attacked american troops
  5. Treaty of guadalupe hidalgo - 3
    • 1. mexico ceded new mexico and california
    • 2. america paid 15 million dollars for the land
    • 3. mexico acknowledged the rio grande as the border of texas
  6. popular sovereignty
    the issue of slavery would be decided in the territories through a popular vote by the residents
  7. compromise of 1850 - 4
    • 1. make california a free state
    • 2. abolish the slave trade in D.C.
    • 3. formation of territorial governments in the former mexican territory based on popular sovereignty
    • 4. a strong fugitive slave act
  8. fugitive slave act response - 4
    • 1. northern states passed laws making it difficult to enforce fedral statutes
    • 2. one state declared the fugitive slave act unconstitutional
    • 3. mobs freed runaway slaves held by the authorites
    • 4. citizens expressed dissatisfaction with the law
  9. Kansas-Nebraska act - 4
    • 1. it would create two new federal territories
    • 2. it repealed the anti-slavery provision of the missouri compromise
    • 3. it created popular sovereignty as the method of compromise
    • 4. it was designated to support the building of the trans-continental railroad
  10. bleeding kansas
    the name given to kansas because of sporadic warfare between the settlers on opposing sides in the battle over the slavery issue
  11. kansas admission
    they came in as a free state
  12. rep. preston brooks
    infuriated by an insulting speech directed at his uncle Brooks, beat Sumner with a cane for giving his speech
  13. dred scott vs. sanford
    it ruled congress had no authority to exclude slavery from the federal territories and said the missouri compromise was unconstitutional
  14. John Brown's raid - 4
    • 1. lives were lost among browns raiders
    • 2. the state of virginia executed brown for treason
    • c. southerners decided northerners were determined to destroy slavery
    • d. some abolitionists glorified brown as a saint
  15. border state
    slave state that did not secede from the union
  16. civil war began
    it began when the south fired on fort sumter
  17. south carolina
    first southern state to withdraw from the union
  18. northern advantages - 4
    • 1. larger man power reserve
    • 2. they had more advanced industries
    • 3. better transportation system
    • 4. they had a stronger will to fight
  19. union army
    the largest number of men volunteered for service
  20. opposition to war
    lincoln's response to opposition was to engage in widespread suspension of civil liberties
  21. Emancipation proclamation - 4
    • 1. it established the elimination of slavery as a justification for war
    • 2. caused the freeing of slaves in the border states before the end of the war
    • 3. eventually freed thousands of slaves
    • 4. provided black volunteers for the union army
  22. confederacy's financing
    they resorted to printing paper money
  23. southern economy
    it was devastated by widespread destruction
  24. sea power
    it played an important part in the war in the form of the union blockade of the confederate coast
  25. great britian
    they remained neutral during the war while permitting limited aid to the confederatees
  26. battle of antietam
    the bloodiest single day battle in the civil war
  27. vicksburg/gettysburg
    union victories that sealed the fate of the confederacy
  28. march to the sea
    it was lead by willian t. sherman and was a path of destruction
  29. robert e. lee's surrender
    he surrendered on april 9, 1865 at appomattox courthouse, virginia
  30. northern view of reconstruction
    the south needed to be prevented from restoring their pre-civil war society
  31. 13th amendment
    abolished slavery
  32. radical republicans - 4
    • 1. they wanted to punish civil and military leaders in the confederacy
    • 2. disenfranchisement of a large number of whites
    • 3. confiscated property given to blacks
    • 4. legal rights for blacks like being able to vote
  33. black codes
    they were designed to guarantee white supremacy
  34. 14th amendment
    the first official definition of citizenship
  35. 15th amendment
    gave the right to vote to blacks
  36. tenure of office act
    it prohibited the president from removing cabinet members without the senate's approval
  37. andrew johnson's impeachment
    his trial ended with an acquittal
  38. freedmen and political rights - 4
    • 1. they're participating in politics
    • 2. they served as delegates at the constitutional conventions
    • 3. they organized their own religious groups
    • 4. they strove to obtain an education
  39. tenant farmers
    by the end of reconstruction the majority of southern blacks are tenant farmers
  40. credit mobilier scandal
    involved fraudulent construction contracts for union pacific railroad and bribing congressmen
  41. compromise of 1877 - 4
    • 1. they awarded all 20 disputed votes to hayes
    • 2. this keeps the presidency with the republican party
    • 3. he promised to remove troops from the south
    • 4. he supported internal improvements in the south
  42. southern industries - 4
    • 1. textile factories
    • 2. tobacco processing plants
    • 3. iron and steel works
    • 4. railroad development
  43. booker t. washington - 4
    • 1. advocated industrial education
    • 2. concentrated on economic rather than political gains
    • 3. patience in the face of discrimination
    • 4. acceptance of segregation
  44. plessy vs. ferguson
    separate but equal facilities
  45. black disenfranchisement - 4
    • 1. propery qualifications
    • 2. poll taxes
    • 3. literacy tests
    • 4. grandfather clauses
  46. scalawags
    the name given to southern white republicans
  47. carpetbaggers
    northerners who came down to the south during reconstruction in search of economic opportunity
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History Final
history final nctc