The Articles of Confederation formed a republican type of government which means:
_______ have the vote to elect representatives and governors only in the state.
state governments would send state legislatures to ________?
continental congress
Continental congress was the NATIONAL government.
It allowed a "league of friendship" b/w whom?
the states w/a very weak national government
What was more important than the continental congress?
sovereignty of the state governments
Who had ALL the power during the continental congress?
the states
What were the weaknessess of the continental congress?
- no power to tax
- no power to regulate interstate or foreign commerce
- no national executive(only pres.)
- all laws must have UNANIMOUS consent from state legislatures
In the continental congress, the states had no power to tax, what did this mean?
- only states could tax citizens
- states would voluntarily give taxes to continental congress
Since the continental congress had no power to regulate interstate or foreign commerce, who made the treaties?
each state made its own treaties
Since all laws must have a uninamous consent from the state legislatures, this ment that the state had the right to do what?
veto any law
What did the convention in philadelphia(may 1787) do?
threw out the articles and formed a new federal government, a new organizational structure for a new national government
under the articles,
national government =
- continental congress
- no executive/judiciary
- totally depen. on states
under the articles, state governments:
- sent rep. to continental congress
- could veto anything from the continental congress
- had ALL powers
- had legislative, executive, and judicial branches
In Federalism, who is the supreme power of authority?
What is federalism?
- a NEW organizational structure for government
- 2(&more) levels of gov. w/constitutional power - yet over the same jurisdiction
federal government is also called?
central or national government
state government is also called?
regional or sub-national government
Are regional(state) governments centralized or decentralized?
What powers does the federal government have?
- constitutional power over NATIONAL issues
- enumerated and implied powers
- has legislative, executive and judicial branches
What powers do state governments have?
- constitutional power over LOCAL issues
- reserved powers
- have legislative, executive, and judicial branches
Each level of government has ________ powers?
What are other levels of government?
counties, cities, townships, etc.
The ______ governmetns have constitutional authority from ______ governments?
local, state
The federal government has the 'implied' power, what clause is this in artical 1?
in the necessary and proper clause
the 'necessary and proper' clause is also called? Why?
- the 'elastic clause'
- called this because it lets the federal government 'stretch' its powers
What amendment are the 'reserved' powers found in?
Are the 'reserved' powers for the federal or state governments?
What did the 'reserved' powers give the state government?
- police power
- education
- zoning
- business regulation within the state