ch 32

  1. only with animals
    hox genes
  2. distinguishes animal heterotrophy from fungal heterotrophy is that only animals derive nutrition from
    ingesting it
  3. directly favors evolution of latter, more radical kind of metamorphosis
    a , b , and c
  4. unique to animals
    nervous condition and muscular movement
  5. number of legs an insect has, vertebrae in vertebral colum and number of joints influenced by
  6. hox genes
  7. hox genes regulate from earliest to most recent
    2, 4, 3, 1, 5
  8. chromosomes that carry larval genes are eliminated from genomes of somatic cells at time of metamorphosis
    could not clone a larva from somatic cells of adult insect
  9. last common ancestor of all animals
    flagellated protist
  10. major animal body plans seen today appearedin fossil record at beginning of
    cambrian period
  11. evidence of which would be surprising to find among fossils of ediacaran fauna
    hard parts
  12. cambrian explosion was caused by rise of predator-prey relationships
    increase incidence of hard parts in fossil records
  13. which includes jellies with rounded medusae
  14. corals are most closely related to
    sea anemones
  15. cnidarians and flatworms
    digestive system w single opening
  16. nonparasitic
  17. in streamyou pick up a rock and find small, flattened worms crawling on its undersurface, what class
  18. reducing incidence of blood flukes in human pop.
    reduce freshwater snail pop
  19. larvae of common tapeworm species infecting humans found in
    encysted muscles of an animal, cow or pig
  20. student was prob infected with
  21. phylum rotifera
    parthenogenic reproduction
Card Set
ch 32