exam 2

  1. most recent common ancestor of all land plants
  2. strucutural integrity of plant spores
  3. plant tissue lacks phragmoplasts
    tissues performing nuclear division without intervening cytokinesis
  4. common to both charophytes and land plants except
  5. does not porvide evidence between charophytes and plantae
    alternation of generations
  6. best subject for essay
    glycolate oxidase
  7. organisms should feature mitosis similar to that of land plants
  8. definitly identifies the organism as a land plant
  9. correct interpretation of observations is
    plants evolved alternation of generations independlty of green algae
  10. observed in an unidentified green organism, makes it unlikely to be a charophyte
    apical meristem
  11. charophytes during initial developemnt should not expect to observe
    specialized placental transfer cells surrounding the zygote
  12. taxon equivalent to embryophytes
  13. protection from predators
    secondary compounds
  14. protection from desiccation
  15. transport of water, minerals, and nutrients
    tracheids and phloem
  16. not a challenge for survival of first land plants
  17. internal parts of the pollen grains of seed producing plants are similar to
    fern gametophyte bearing only antheridia
  18. most important to making typical seed more resistant to adverse conditions
  19. pollen grains to both stains, and rinses away excess stain, what should occur?
    pollen grains will have red interiors and blue exteriors
  20. gymnosperms differ from both extinct and extant ferms bc they
    have pollen
  21. arrange following from earliest to most recent in plant traits originated
    3, 1, 2
  22. seed plants: which part of pollen grain has function most like seed coat?
  23. pine trees disperse
    windblown seeds
  24. wind pollination is most likely found in seeds that grow
    in dense, single species stands
  25. pine life cycle
    female gametophytes use mitosis to produce eggs
  26. which statement is true of pine life cycle
    conifer pollen grains contain male gametopphytes
  27. correct sequnce in gymnosperm megasporangium
    4, 2, 3, 1
  28. gymnosperms
  29. arrangement
    4 black dots on top
  30. growth of plants
  31. arise from lateral meristem activity
    secondary xylem
  32. lose its protoplast in which section of root
    zone of maturation
  33. taproot system, several growth rings, layer of bark around outside
    woody eudicot
  34. driving force that pushes root tip through soil
    elongation of cells behind root apical meristem
  35. shoot elongation in growing bud is due to
    cell elongation in each internode`
  36. axillary buds
    develop from meristematic cells left by apical meristem
  37. gas exchange, necessary for photosynthesis, can occur most easily in which leaf tissue
    spongy mesophyll
  38. correct sequence from growing tips of root upward
    1, 5, 3, 2, 4
  39. incorrectly paired with structure and function
    pericycle-waterproofing ring of cells surrounding central stele in root
  40. illustrates idea that fate of a cell is a direct result of its position
    a, b, and c
  41. root tissues give rise to lateral roots
  42. monocot stem is
    2 only
  43. plant that is at least 3 years old is
    4 only
  44. woody eudicot is
    4 only
  45. earliest physical evidence of site of newly forming leaf primordium would be
    pre-prophase bands parallel to surface of meristem in subsurface cells of shoot
  46. pores on leaf surface function in gas exchange
  47. true about growth in plants
    some lack secondary growth
  48. not matched with function
    companion cell-formation of secondary xylem and phloem
  49. plant derives some benefit from water loss in form of
    a b and c
  50. what kind of day results in fastest delivery of water and minerals to leaves of a tree
    warm humid
  51. guard cell around epidermal cell in plant is deficient in potassium ions
    leaf temp would decrease
  52. opening of stomata is thought to involve
    increase in osmotic concentration of guard cells
  53. reduce transpiration but allows normal growth of plant
    increasing level of carbon dioxide around plant
  54. guard cells are only cells in epidermis that contain chloroplasts and can undergo photosynthesis. important bc
    atp is required to power proton pumps in guard cell mem
  55. doesn't reduce water loss in plant
  56. why CAM plants are not tall
    they would be unable to move water and minerals to the top of plant
  57. least likely to look for plants that evlolved structures with adv in dry, hot conditions
    plants that do not produce abscisic acid and have short thick taproot
  58. driviing force for movement of materials in phloem
    difference in osmotic water potential between source and sink
  59. not normal function as a sink
    shoot tip
  60. sugar movement in phloem
    movement can occur both upward and downward
  61. phloem transports >>> from the >>>> source to the >>> sink
    sugars; leaf; apical meristem
  62. mass flow f materials in phloem
  63. water flows into source end of sieve bc
    sucrose has been actively transported into sieve tube, hypertonic
  64. false about transport of nutrients in phloem
    companion cells control the rate and direction of movement of phloem sap
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exam 2