posterior appendicular muscles

  1. trapezius (superficial)
    • o: spinous process C7-T12, nuchal ligament, external occipital protruberence, nuchal line
    • i: clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
    • inn: spinal accessory nerve
    • a: elevate ,depress scapula
  2. latissimus dorsi (superficial)
    • o: 3-4 ribs, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest
    • i: intertubercular groove of humerus
    • inn: thoracodorsal nerve
    • a: extend, adduct, medially rotate humerus
  3. levator scapula (deep)
    • o: tranverse process C1-C4
    • i: medial border scapula
    • inn: dorsal scapular and cervical nerves
    • a: elevate scapula
  4. Rhomboids (deep)
    • o: major: spinous process T2- T5
    • minor: nuchal ligament and spinous process C7-T1
    • i: major: medial border scapula from spine to inferior angle
    • minor: scapular spine
    • inn: dorsal scapular nerve
    • a: retract scapula
  5. deltoid (Intrinsic)
    • o: clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
    • i: deltoid tuberosity
    • inn: axillary nerve
    • a: abducts arm, medially and laterally rotates arm
  6. teres major
    • o: posterior surface of scapula
    • i: intertubercular groove of humerus
    • inn: lower subscapular nerve
    • a: adducta and medially rotates arm
  7. what are the 4 rotator cuff muscles?
    • supraspinatus
    • infraspinatus
    • subscapularis
    • teres minor
Card Set
posterior appendicular muscles
attach upper limb to axial skeleton