
  1. Type A blood agglutinates in the presence of what serum?
    The A-antibody serum.
  2. Type B blood agglutinated in the presence of what serum?
    The B-antibody serum.
  3. Type O does not have either cell surface or antigen, so it does not agglutinate with __ or __ serum.
    Anti-A or Anti-B
  4. Type AB blood agglutinates in the presence of which two serums?
    Both anti-A and anti-B serums.
  5. Transfusion reactions are caused by 3 things..
    • 1. damage to blood vessels
    • 2. blockage of blood vessels
    • 3. release of harmful substances
  6. What are some symptoms of a messed up transfusion? (5)
    • 1. fever
    • 2. damage to skin and internal organs
    • 3. kidney failure
    • 4. jaundice from hemoglobin breakdown products
    • 5. shock! Circulatory failure! Usually fatal.
  7. Drifting masses of agglutinated RBCs can plug __, __, __, and __ when there is mis-matched blood in a person's system.
    Kidneys, lungs, heart, and brain.
  8. What percent of the population will be Rh+.. as opposed to Rh-?
    85%- 99%
  9. Under normal circumstances, no __ develop in the blood of either Rh+ or Rh- people.
  10. __ occurs in Rh- people exposed for a second time to Rh+ blood.
    Transfusion reaction
  11. What protein do Rh- people not have in their body?
    the Rh protein
  12. When an Rh- mother becomes sensitized by previous exposure to Rh+ blood and builds Rh antibodies and in a second pregnancy, anti-D antibodies of the mother cross placenta and enter fetal circulation. This is called....
    Erythroblastosis fetalis or hemolytic disease of a newborn
  13. Erythroblastosis fetalis may result in.. (5)
    • 1. anemia
    • 2. jaundice
    • 3. central nervous system damage
    • 4. heart failure
    • 5. possible death
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