Ch. 12 Vocab

  1. rhetoric -noun
    the art of using words persuasively and effectively in writing and speaking
  2. redundancy -noun
    wordiness; needless repetition
  3. malapropism -noun
    ridiculous misuse of a word for another one that sounds like it
  4. euphemism -noun
    a mild expression substituted for a distasteful one
  5. triteness -noun
    dullness in expression or content; lack of freshness and creativity
  6. acronym -noun
    a word made up from the initial letters or syllables of a title or phrase
  7. antonym -noun
    a word of opposite meaning
  8. homonym -noun
    a word that sounds like another word but has a different meaning and usually a different spelling
  9. concreteness - noun
    quality of being specific and of referring to particular things
  10. connotation - noun
    the suggestiveness and emotional associations of a word apart from its denotation, or literal meaning
  11. prose -noun
    writing or speech which is not poetry.
  12. exposition - noun
    writing which explains or informs
  13. precis -noun
    a short condensed version of a piece of writing.
  14. plagiarism
    copying the language or ideas of another author and presenting them as one's own.
  15. paraphase
    to restate a passage in different words.
  16. ellipsis - noun
    the omission of words as from quoted material usually indicated by three dots or asterisks
  17. begging the question
    assuming what has yet to be proved
  18. post hoc
    assuming that one thing caused another merely because it happen earlier
  19. ad hominem
    appealing to a person's prejudices or selfish interests rather than to his reason; attacking an opponent rather than sticking to the issue
  20. non sequitur
    a conclusion that does not follow from the evidence presented`
  21. bandwagon device
    persuasion to join the popular or winning side
  22. faulty dilemma
    the offering of only two alternatives when more than two exist
  23. analogy
    an extended comparison to clarify an idea
  24. socratic irony
    the device of pretending to be ignorant and asking questions in order to trap the opponent into obvious error
  25. fragment
    an incomplete sentence
  26. comma splice
    the use of a comma between main clauses where a period or semicolon should be used
  27. parallelism
    similarity of grammatical structure given to similar ideas
  28. infinitive
    a verbal form that consists usually of to plus a verb as "to walk"
  29. participle
    a verbal adjective
  30. idom
    an accepted phrase that is contrary to the usual language pattern
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Ch. 12 Vocab
Programmed College Vocabulary