upper limb part 1

  1. the bones of upper limb articulate with axial skeleton only at the __________ joint
  2. the medial end of clavicle articulates with the manubrium of sternum forming the ________ joint
  3. The lateral end of clavicle articulates with the acromion forming the ________ joint
    acromioclavicular joint
  4. how many phalanges are there?
  5. what joints are there in the hand?
    carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, interphalangeal
  6. what are the veins that drain the upper limb?
    cephalic vein, median cubital vein, basilic vein and median antebrachial vein
  7. what is the course of the cephalic vein?
    runs along lateral side of forearm and meet median cubital vein at elbow
  8. what is the course of the median cubital vein?
    passes across anterior elbow to join basilic vein
  9. what is the course of the basilic vein?
    runs along medial side of forearm then beside brachial artery and forms the axillary vein
  10. what is the course of the median cubital vein?
    runs along middle of anterior forearm
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upper limb part 1
everything in upper limb