World History 1010

  1. Sasanian Persia
  2. Mayans
  3. Dynasties
  4. Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella
  5. The Renaissance
  6. Ming China
  7. Portuguese Exploration
  8. Mercantilism
  9. Qing China
  10. The Thirty Years' War
  11. Safavid Persia
  12. Japan in the 17th and 18th Centuries
  13. Adam Smith
  14. James Cook's Voyages
  15. Australian Colonization
  16. Agricultural Revolution
  17. Mesopotamia
  18. Nile River's importance for settlement of Early Egypt
  19. Akhnaten and Nefertiti
  20. Mycena
  21. Hammurabi’s code
  22. Vedas and Upanishad
  23. Mandate of Heaven
  24. Assyrian versus Persian styles of empire
  25. Zoroastrianism
  26. Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism
  27. Buddhism
  28. Athens and Sparta
  29. Philip I
  30. Alexander
  31. Hellenism
  32. Seleucids
  33. Ptolemaic Empire
  34. Roman Culture
  35. Roman Slavery
  36. Roman Military
Card Set
World History 1010
World History 1010 Key Terms